Chapter Eight||Farewell

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Capital of Xiang Empire, 1479_________________The third day came faster than expected

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Capital of Xiang Empire, 1479
The third day came faster than expected. Lihua spent as much time as possible with her grandfather and aunt, valuing every precious moment and saving it in her memories, knowing this would be the last time she sees her beloved family. She knew that with one step through the palace gates, her freedom and happiness would be gone in a flash. She would be thrust into a world of misery and loneliness, trapped like a caged bird. She would miss everything dearly and she desperately wished that none of this had happened. But as it was the gods' will, then so be it.
Lihua lied there awake. She had woken up a little while ago, and it was still dark outside. She knew what awaited her in just a few hours. She reached out slowly and allowed her pale fingers to brush against the familiar straw carpet she had grown so used to. Her eyes had already adjusted to the darkness, and she could make out the figures of her belongings. She sat up, her hands clutching her thick blanket tightly. She felt like urge to rip her hair out. She wanted to scream, cry, sob until the entire neighborhood heard her.
She didn't want to go.
It wasn't like she had a choice. This was her fate, and it offered her two options. Either accept it as it is and live with it, or commit suicide and let her grandfather die. Of course, she chose the first one. She refused to let her family suffer because of her. She didn't want to be selfish this time. As long as my family is okay, she thought, tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. Nothing else matters. Only their safety does. Nothing else..
But the girl was already crying.
She held back her sobs and swallowed them, blinking away her threatening tears. "As long as my family is okay.. As long as they're safe.." She whispered to herself, hugging her knees close to her chest. "Nothing else matters. I shall suffer endlessly and I won't mind it as long as they're alright.." She wiped her tears with her palm, sniffling quietly.
Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours. They passed by, and the first rays of the sun began to appear. The sky's dark color turned a shade lighter, mixing brilliant colors of periwinkle purple and soft, baby blue. Lihua soon heard a faint clatter and a fire being lit, and she knew her aunt was up preparing tea and breakfast. She heard footsteps make their way towards her room and her door slid open.
"Aigoo— You're already awake! That's new." Aunt Biyu gasped slightly when she saw the sitting girl. "I wish you'd wake up this early everyday and help me with the morning chores. Honestly, I'm not getting any younger and I get tired easily these days. Aish! If only you were more helpful." Her aunt sighed, walking inside and placing her hands on her hips as she looked around. She didn't meet her niece's eyes.
Lihua didn't respond.
"Come on now, you mustn't waste time. They will be here soon." The middle-aged woman said, opening a large wooden chest and searching through Lihua's clothing. She pulled out an beautiful white hanfu with sky blue embroidery. "I have been saving this for a special occasion. Modest, elegant, and ladylike. It's perfect for today, right Lihua?" She sent a weak smile in the silent girl's direction, who waited for a moment before replying, "nothing is perfect today. In fact, it's the opposite of perfect. Everything is just going to be terrible. Awful!" She whispered.
Aunt Biyu's forced smile faded and she sighed, looking away. "Well, I mean.. take a look at the bright side. You're marrying the ruler of this great empire. Do you know how many of his concubines and other women wish he would give them just a glance? You're lucky, in a way—"
"Don't you dare tell me I'm lucky!" Lihua yelled, making her flinch. "I am to leave my home, and my family. I'm never going to see you or grandfather again. Do you know how much that hurts me? How would you feel if you were in my shoes?!" Her voice rose, and before she knew it she was crying again. Damn these tears! Damn my weakness! "Being forced to marry someone you hate deeply,  threatened, insulted.."
Aunt Biyu gently pulled her niece into her arms and hugged her. "Lihua, do not cry. Please. You will be fine, my sweet child, and I promise you that. I keep my promises, do I not?" She spoke in a warm motherly tone, stroking her head. "You will be okay. Repeat that after me. You will be okay."

"..I'll be okay." Lihua softly whispered, her voice weak.
"That's better. Now get dressed, and I'll help you with your hair." Lihua nodded slowly and did as she said.
After half an hour, the party arrived. The family heard the announcement come from outside. Zhao Lin stood up, placing his tea on the table and walked outside before greeting them with a respectful bow.

When the two women stepped out of the bedroom, Lihua was ready. At least, physically ready. Her things were packed and she looked like as presentable as a wealthy noblewoman. But mentally? No. Definitely not. She heard voices outside their house and immediately knew they had arrived to take her. To take her away from her family. From her home. From her life. They have arrived to steal her happiness and freedom, and everything she'd grown up with.
Panic slowly rose within her, and she breathed shakily. Aunt Biyu noticed this and patted her back, "it's okay. It's okay." She whispered soothingly, leading her outside.
Many guards along with several court ladies and maids stood there with a dark reddish brown, fancy palanquin. "Lady Wu Lihua.." A man spoke, bowing deeply. He gestured to one of the women and she walked over, offering her hand to the anxious girl.
Lihua stared at the court lady's hand for a moment. She hugged her aunt tightly and embraced her grandfather, tears escaping her eyes. The others watched her as she wept, some with pity others with little to no emotion. Aunt Biyu began crying too, while Zhao Lin had a depressed look on his face.
"My lady, we mustn't waste any more time. Everyone is waiting." The man reminded softly, hesitation clear in his tone.
The sixteen-year-old slowly pulled away, sniffling. "I love you both so, so much. I will miss you very much." She murmured, her voice breaking. She then turned away from them and placed her hand in the court lady's, who then led her to the palanquin. The court lady parted the white, slightly see-through curtains with her head low as she waited for the soon-to-be bride.
Lihua looked at her dejected family one last time.
She bent down and stepped inside the palanquin, and the curtain returned to place. She could faintly see the figures of her grandfather and aunt, still standing there.
Then, the palanquin was slowly picked up, and it began moving.
Farewell, She thought, holding back her tears.
Lihua could only close her eyes and try to prepare herself for what was coming. For her inevitable fate.

I hope you all can forgive me for being such a bad author. Family is....
Also I am trying to make perfect banners but I know deep down I need help. I need help

 I need help

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