Chapter Nine || Bound by the Gods

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The Capital of Xiang, 1479_____________________The way to the palace was a little long, fortunately

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The Capital of Xiang, 1479
The way to the palace was a little long, fortunately. It allowed the sixteen year old to do what she needed to do. To prepare herself, mentally. The whole time, Lihua was crying silently in the carriage. She still couldn't believe it. She just couldn't bring herself to accept it. She couldn't bring herself to accept the fact that in just a short amount of time, probably within an hour or two, she was going to get married. To the emperor. Or better, the monster. The bastard who was going to make her life a nightmare. The hate she felt for him at that moment was indescribable.
Lihua shook her head slightly, hugging her knees close to her chin. She tried to think more positive thoughts. First, she saved her family, and second, maybe life in the palace wouldn't be so bad. She was to be the empress, after all, right? So surely it wouldn't be that terrible, right? But no matter what she thought, her mind drifted back to darkness. It refused to think anything else. It stuck to reality instead, which hit her again and again.
"Who am I kidding?" She whispered to herself, wiping her tear-stained cheeks. "I'll never be happy there. My family is gone. And I'm not even doing this willingly." She sniffed, closing her dark brown eyes as more tears escaped them. "Jade Emperor, Gods, Goddesses.. whoever is listening.." She choked on a sob. "Please.. make my family happy and keep them safe from all harm. If it means that I have to suffer for the rest of my life in order for that to happen, then so be it. Please, look after my family." She prayed. Nothing but desperate prayer came out of her mouth for the rest of the way.
The palanquin stopped.
The court ladies and maids helped her out into the courtyard and led her into a bathing chamber. They stripped her of her clothing and just as one of them was about to take Lihua's hanfu away, she stopped the maid and told her, "please, be careful with that. Don't throw it away." She pleaded. The maid nodded and neatly folded the hanfu before leaving.
Lihua stepped in the warm water. Flower petals floated gently on the clear water and stuck to her skin. It made her tense muscles relax a little and she closed her eyes as the ladies bathed her body in sweet-smelling oils and liquids. After they were done, they dried her and dressed her in a beautiful, traditional red dress embroidered with gold. Red was believed to symbolize happiness. Something she did not feel at the moment. They did her hair and placed a gold headpiece with rubies on her head. Her lips were painted a red color and her face looked pale and flawless thanks to the makeup. The jewelry she wore was priceless. Even her shoes were golden.
In conclusion, she looked stunning. A perfect bride.
Now, all she needed was to smile and pretend to be happy about this. Surprisingly, she found herself quite good at doing that.
Countless court ladies, maids, ladies-in-waiting, guards, and noblewomen followed her all the way to the Temple of Heaven. It was the main temple, used for annual ceremonies of prayer and other major stuff. The atmosphere was festive. Music, cheers, and other signs of joy surrounded her from outside the carriage. Once they arrived there, she was helped out of the colorful and large palanquin. The great, large doors of the temple came into view and her eyes widened slightly. That's when panic settled in. She took deep breaths as she tried to get rid of the sudden fear that she felt.
Her aunt's words rung in her head, you will be okay. Repeat that after me, you will be okay. I promise.
Lihua closed her eyes for a moment. I'll be okay. I'll be okay. I can do this. I'll be okay. I can do this..
When she opened her eyes, the doors of the temple were already wide open. Hundreds of people were gathered there, welcoming her. The panic wouldn't go away. She felt scared. Afraid. Alone. She breathed slowly, trying to think of other things. Like her aunt's scoldings and her grandfather's secret smiles. Like that one time when she played in the mud in the garden as a child, or when she got in trouble after she slapped a guard when she was only thirteen. Or helping her grandfather with herbs and her aunt trying to teach her how to cook, but almost burning the house down.

Those were the good times.
I'll be okay. She thought as she started walking.
I'll be okay. She thought as she approached the great stone stairs.
I'll be okay. She thought as her foot landed on the first step.
I'll be okay. She thought as she began making her way up the stairs.
The stairs were too many, and it took her a good five minutes to finally reach the top. But when she did, she wished she hadn't. She wished there were a thousand more stairs.
For the moment she reached the top, the emperor came into view.
He was dressed in red robes of pure silk, and looked even more handsome. It made her heart race, but not with nervousness or because of his gorgeous looks. No. Her heart raced because of the sly smirk on his face and the evil glimmer that appeared in his dark eyes the moment he noticed her. His piercing gaze scanned her from head to toe, and he couldn't help getting caught off guard. Just a tiny bit.
She was more beautiful than he thought.
A wise elderly man stood there, watching the two and waiting patiently for the emperor's permission. He could see right through Lihua and felt pity for her. She clearly did not want this.
Finally, the emperor turned to him and said, "begin."
And so it began.
The bride and the groom kneeled and closed their eyes in silent prayer. After that, they said the wedding vows and prayed for the Jade Emperor's blessings. The crowd broke into excited cheers and shouts the second they were done.
All Lihua wanted to do at that moment was commit suicide.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Things are starting to get interesting

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Things are starting to get interesting

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