Chapter Sixteen || Kiss of Death

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**************The Great Palace, Xiang Empire, 1479_______________Something bad was about to happen

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The Great Palace, Xiang Empire, 1479
Something bad was about to happen.
Something bad always happened whenever the emperor was angry.
But the thing is, this time he wasn't just angry.
He was furious.
The rage he felt, along with the alcohol running actively in his system.. well, let's just say they weren't a good combination. At all. Emperor Hyeon had stormed out of his private chamber, clearly outraged. The guards noticed the murderous look on his face and that dangerous glimmer in his eyes. The maids who caught a glimpse of him passing by noticed that as well, and knew this wasn't good. They trembled in fear, wanting to run away and hide somewhere until his wrath faded away. But all they could do was bow as he angrily walked by them.
Delun, the trusted advisor of the emperor, was just stepping out of his room and closing the door behind him when he saw His Majesty. "Emperor Hy–" He started to say, his eyes wide in surprise. But the emperor ignored him, lost in his fury, and continued on. That's when the old man realized that he was heading straight to the women's section of the palace, and that's also when worry and fear settled in his stomach. He swallowed nervously and quickly walked over to a scared maid before asking her, "what on earth is going on?"
The girl looked at him and whispered, "I-I don't know, but I don't think it's anything good."
The two watched as the emperor went inside the women's quarters, fear and wonder squeezing their hearts.
Emperor Hyeon wasn't thinking properly. The rage and the large amount of alcohol had blinded him completely, and his sanity and consciousness were currently sealed away somewhere. But he did have one thing in mind that was perfectly clear: Lihua.
The second he arrived at her chamber, he violently opened the doors and pushed them, causing them to swing backwards. He heard soft, startled gasps and his gaze snapped to the two women. Lihua was sitting in front of a huge mirror with a maid brushing her hair. She looked at him and her eyes widened, "what are you doing here?" She asked immediately, standing up as the maid stepped away and bowed before quickly leaving the chamber.
The emperor slammed the door shut and stalked over to her, his heavy footsteps making him seem even more intimidating.
Lihua only backed away and glared at him, "what the hell is going on?! Who gave you permission to enter? Get out!" She was very confused. She didn't understand. Why did the emperor suddenly burst into the room out of nowhere and at this time of the night? And why was he so angry? What did I do this time?! I'm pretty sure I did nothing wrong!
While she was lost in her confusion, he used that chance to grab her wrists, his grip so tight it hurt her. She snapped out of it and gasped, before yelling, "let go of me! Let go! What are you—"
Then his lips crashed on to hers.
That's when her world stopped. It felt like time had stopped. Her eyes were as wide as an owl's, pure shock and astonishment flooding through her body and taking control of her limbs, freezing them. At that moment, she felt like she was paralyzed. Her mind went blank, her thoughts blurry and unclear. It felt like the only thing active in her body right now was her racing heart.
What's happening.. why..
Her mind instantly went into action and sent a wave of disgust through her. She could finally move. "Mmgh!!" She tried to free her bruising wrists of his iron grip, but couldn't. "No! Sto..p.!!" Her protests were muffled and ignored. The kiss was rough and hungry. There was no passion. It wasn't even gentle, sweet, nor was it loving. It hard and cruel, devouring her completely.
Her knee shot up, aiming for his crotch.
But he caught it between his legs just in time, and continued to kiss her like she was the thing keeping him alive. Like she was his most valuable possession.

Emperor Hyeon pulled away for oxygen, leaving them both panting. The second he did, Lihua's hand landed on his face, resulting in a harsh slap. The sharp sound echoed in the quiet chamber. "You bastard!" She screamed, shoving him away and wiping her swollen lips with the back of her hand, clearly disgusted. "Damn you! Damn you to hell and back! You son of a bi—"
His hand grabbed the back of her head, his fingers digging into her thick hair, and he pressed his lips against hers, cutting her off. She started hitting his chest repeatedly, but he didn't even budge. His grip on her hair tightened, sending slight pain into her scalp. It made her gasp.
That was a mistake.
His tongue plunged into her mouth, and she could taste wine. Tears formed in her eyes. What if he took her innocence? She blinked them away. No, she refused to cry. At least, not with him being the reason. Why is this happening to me? She thought, holding back a sob. "Kiss me back." He ordered, their lips still connected.
She didn't.
"Kiss me back!"
Emperor Hyeon pulled away and growled. "You little bitch," he snarled.
"You sadistic bastard!" She shot back.
Their lips smashed again. The kiss was even more brutal and violent than before. In a sick, twisted way, it made her want to kiss him back. But her pride was too much, and she didn't want to give him satisfaction. She didn't want this. She didn't want any of this. Part of her was slowly surrendering. It was slowly giving in to his venomous touch, but the other part of her refused to do that. It wanted to keep fighting. And that's exactly what she planned to do.
She was going to fight back, no matter what.
With all her strength and power, Lihua shoved him away. She succeeded in doing that, and quickly hurried over to her bed. It was bad idea, she knew that, but she had something useful there. She immediately reached under her pillow and pulled out a dagger, before whirling around to face him and pointing the sharp blade at him.
It was inches away from his face.
For a second there, he looked surprised. But that look quickly vanished. His lips formed into a vicious smirk. "My, my.."
"Take one step closer, I swear to the gods.." She hissed, glaring at him.
"Looks like the kitten has finally unleashed its claws," he whispered, "unfortunately, it looks like they're not sharp enough." With one quick move, he'd knocked the dagger out of her hand. He pushed her, making her gasp and fall backwards onto the bed.
His smirk vanished, replaced by an angry glower. "Just who do you think you are, whore?" He snapped, "asking a concubine to distract me? To make me forget about you? You don't want to be anywhere near me?!" His voice rose, and she flinched.
Emperor Hyeon suddenly leaned in, placing his hands on each side of her head. "Were you keeping a dagger under your pillow this whole time? Hm?" She didn't answer, nor did she look him in the eye.
"You don't need a dagger," he whispered dangerously in her ear, his warm breath making her shiver. "I can protect you, Lihua, but remember this.. no one can protect you from me.. no one."
"I'll make sure your life here is nothing but hell."
"It's already hell, you bastard." She hissed.
He chuckled darkly, "already hell? Oh sweetheart, we're just getting started."
After saying those words, he turned away and left the chamber.
That's when Lihua started crying.

 That's when Lihua started crying

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I am so sorry that this update is a day late! Wattpad would not update my story until just now. To make it up to all of you on Saturday I'm going to do a double update!.

Thank you all for continuing to read my story. For those just figuring out that my story was stolen thank you for learning the truth!!


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