Chapter Three || Mysterious Stranger

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_____________ Capital of the Xiang Empire, 1479 ______________ The capital was quite noisy today, a little more than usual

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Capital of the Xiang Empire, 1479
The capital was quite noisy today, a little more than usual. People filled the streets like a flowing
river, and the markets were open, their owners yelling for others to come see and selling their
goods. Some argued over prices, but the ones wealthy enough to pay gladly handed the money
over. Laughing children pushed through, running around and playing their fun games. The sky
was a clear blue, with only few fluffy clouds here and there, and the day was sunny and a bit
Lihua groaned slightly with each step she took. "Aigoo..!" She whispered, stopping and looking
around, before letting out a huff of disbelief. No one had even bothered to help her! What kind of
people are they? Are they not usually supposed to help when they see a lady struggling to carry
something? She began muttering very colorful curses—which she'd learned from a sailor or two
while buying some fish from the dock—and continued her tiring walk. A careless kid suddenly
bumped into her and she said, "watch where you're going—" The boy, who looked around
seven or eight, stuck his tongue out and made an ugly face at her, then ran away.
"Yah! Come back here!" She yelled, and stomped her foot like a child. She huffed again, and
just as she turned around, a masculine voice spoke from behind her.
"A lady shouldn't be speaking that way."
"Huh?" Lihua blinked, and turned to face whoever was behind her. Her eyes landed on a man. A
very attractive one. Dark, dangerous eyes, sharp jaw-line, soft-looking lips curled up in a
devilish smirk, hair darker than the night—
She shook her head slightly, snapping out of it, and gave him a glare. No! She refused to be
attracted even in the slightest to a stranger. Someone she didn't even know! But could you
blame her? The man looked like he was carved by the Jade Emperor himself! Apparently, her
hostile face expression caught him off guard slightly. She realized she wasn't the only one who
was startled by him. She could hear women squeal and giggle as they stared at the handsome
But what she didn't notice, was that he too was scanning her appearance, memorizing every
small detail.
His smirk fell.
His piercing eyes studied her from head to toe. Pale skin, long thick dark hair, plump pink lips
and a round face. There was this fire, along with a glimmer of innocence, in her doe eyes, a fire
refusing to die down. A fire that awakened the sadistic beast inside of him.
At that moment, he wanted to break her.
He didn't understand what this strong urge was. The urge to ruin her, to see that feisty flame in
her diminish and her innocence stolen—
"Who are you? And why don't you mind your own business?" Her angry voice yanked him back
to reality and he tilted his head slightly, before frowning in distaste. "Honestly, people these
days! They never seem to realize that some things are none of their concern. Don't go sticking your nose in other people's business, alright?" She sighed, pointing a finger at him and tsking.
She will pay for her words later, he thought darkly, ignoring what she said. "What is your name?"
His smooth voice sent a small chill down her spine.
It wasn't a pleasant one.
"My name?" Lihua raised a brow and crossed her arms defensively, "yah, just what are you
trying to do? I don't give my name to strange men." She tsked. Then realization hit her and she
gasped. "Oh my! Oh my goodness! I shouldn't be here speaking with you. I have to go.
Grandfather is gonna kill me.. I might as well write my will now." She mumbled the last part
under her breath and walked away, completely forgetting about the man.
He just stood there, watching her as she walked away.
Another man walked over to him and bowed respectfully, before asking, "are you alright, Your
"Yes." He said softly, watching as the girl disappeared into the crowd. "Yes.. I'm alright."
Lihua soon found herself standing in front of the open palace gates. Nobles and officials went in
and out, few of them bumping into her and not even apologizing or sparing a second glance.
The nerve of them! How dare they? She kept her mouth shut, even though all she wanted was
to give them a piece of her mind and teach them some manners.
She was about to walk in when one of the two guards stepped forward and asked, "who are
you, and what is your business here?"
I am the one who will shove a shoe down your throats and my business is my own.
But of course, she had to make a good impression for her grandfather so she spoke calmly, "my
name is Wu Lihua, and I am the granddaughter of Wu Zhao Lin. He is ill at the moment, so I
have come to deliver the herbs instead of him."
The guards looked at eachother for a moment before looking back at her, and giving her way.
Lihua proudly walked through the wooden gates and looked around in amazement. People were
everywhere. Not commoners, but important, rich people of course. Court ladies, nobles,
ministers.. anyone with a high rank or anyone who works in the palace.
"Wow.." She whispered.
Although she was amazed, she felt lost. She didn't know who to ask or who to give the herbs to.
Damn, I should've asked grandfather. Or that man. Surely, he would know. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!
Biting her lower lip, Lihua spotted a busy-looking man writing down notes and counting money.
She walked over to him and said, "excuse me.." he didn't look up. She cleared her throat and
repeated, "excuse me." He still didn't look up.
She frowned and snapped, "yah!"
"Eh?" The middle-aged man looked up at her and raised a brow. Is he deaf or something?! She
cleared her throat again and spoke, "I am Wu Lihua, granddaughter of Wu Zhao Lin. I have
come to deliver the herbs—"
"Ah yes, yes. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Wu. I am Official Chun. I take care of most
palace matters around here." He forced a small smile, "just put them over there, and the
servants will take care of them." He pointed to the wall and Lihua nodded and did as he said. She groaned slightly as the weight of the herbs was finally lifted. She stretched her arms and
aching back. "Ah.." she sighed in relief. "I have survived. That was hell." Her work was done
here. "Now I can finally go back home. I bet Aunt Biyu has made some delicious lunch!" She
grinned and giggled to herself, walking to the gates.
Then she heard Official Chun call her.
"Miss Wu! Wait!"
She froze a little, slowly turning around with a confused look. "Excuse me?"
"Forgive me for calling you in such an improper manner," what? "But I just remembered. Your
grandfather, Sir Zhao Lin, was supposed to meet the emperor, but since he is not here, you are
required to meet His Majesty instead." He explained nervously.
Oh, screw my life.
JADE EMPEROR: In Chinese culture, traditional religions and myth, he is one of the
representations of the first God. He is known by many names, including Heavenly Grandfather
and Great Emperor of Jade

Update Schedule

Due to my hectic schedule of school (many classes) and family life.... yeah. My updates for this story will be scheduled for Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Thank you all so much for the love and support I am getting for this story. All of you have no idea how much I appreciate it and all of you! I love you all so much.

Until next time Foxes

Until next time Foxes

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