Chapter Eleven || Of Dreams and Darkness

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The Great Palace, Xiang Empire, 1479________________Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality

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The Great Palace, Xiang Empire, 1479
Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality.
The saddest part of it is, though, that eventually even the memory of your dream will fade - if you are even lucky enough to remember it that is. Then you're left with this lonely feeling of detachment, left to explore in the empty void of emotions, the only proof that you ever had the dream to begin with. Slowly and reluctantly, she uncovers her face. She blinks, closes her eyes, and blinks again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind her.
Everything was blurry and bright for a few moments, before clearing up. She moved her head a little to scan her unfamiliar surroundings, before frowning. This wasn't her room. And definitely not her house. What on earth was happening? She licked her dry lips and slowly sat up.
Then she remembered.
Of course this wasn't her house. She was at the palace.
She also remembered the events of her dream.
The smiling faces of her grandfather and aunt were still lingering in her head. She breathed shakily, pushing her disheveled hair back. Her pale fingers hesitantly touched the skin of her neck and she winced in disgust.
She could still feel the emperor's poisonous touch on her body. The way he held her. The way he kissed her neck. And that moment they shared after she made the mistake of turning to face him. How could she forget that moment? The way they stared at each other like nothing else mattered. Like the world around them had completely disappeared.
And those eyes. Those dark, dark eyes.
Staring right into her soul.
Lihua shuddered.
She wasn't going to allow that to happen again. No, absolutely not. She was scared and anxious last night, which left her vulnerable and weak. That was why she couldn't fight him and push him away. That was why she couldn't resist him. She shook her head slightly. "Never again.." She whispered to herself.
There was a sudden knock at the door.
"My lady," came a feminine yet firm voice. "May I have your permission to enter?"
"Of.." Lihua cleared her throat. "Of course."
The doors slid open and several women came inside, all led by one stern-looking lady. She wore a dark green hanbok, and her smooth hair was pulled back into a tight bun. Not a strand out of place. She looked to be around her late thirties, and had a serious look on her face.
"Lady Wu," The woman bowed, "I am Eun Soo, and I have been assigned to attend to all your needs and see to it that every request is fulfilled. If you need help with anything, please, do not hesitate to come to me, my lady." She spoke. Although she was quite intimidating and looked like she's never smiled in her life, she had this certain motherly aura radiating from her. In a way, it made Lihua feel slightly better.
"Erm.. It's a pleasure to meet you, Madam." Lihua said shyly. "Please, call me by my first name. You don't have to be so formal."
"I'm afraid I can't do that, my lady. I apologize, but I have been ordered to be respectful and formal to you at all times." Eun Soo said. "Your bath is ready, Lady Wu. Please, follow me."
Lihua sighed and got out of bed and did as she said.
After bathing and getting dressed in an elegant hanfu, her long hair was pinned back with a silver hair piece. After that, they informed her that she was to eat breakfast with the emperor.

She didn't want to meet Emperor Hyeon. She didn't want to see him, talk to him, or touch him. Hell, she didn't even want to look at him. Part of the reason was because she was embarrassed and ashamed of what happened last night, and the main part was because she genuinely, truly, and honestly hated him. She hated him with all her heart and soul.
But she had no choice.
And so, Lihua was taken to the dining room. When she arrived there, the eunuch announced her presence and she stepped inside.
The emperor was sitting in front of a large round table with many plates of delicious-looking food on it. He looked up at her and smiled slyly.
She gritted her teeth.
"Leave." He ordered the others. Lihua's eyes widened slightly and she called one of the maids, "you may stay." She told her. She didn't want to be alone with him. He raised a brow and sent a warning look to the maid, who quickly bowed and left. The servants and eunuchs bowed as well, before walking out of the room.
Silence fell.
Emperor Hyeon looked at her, "sit." He commanded.
"No." She responded calmly.
His wicked smile faded away, and his face turned blank. "Sit." He said with a hint of threat in his cold voice.
"Must I repeat my answer, Your Majesty? I am quite sure that you heard me the first time." She replied, her voice just as cold. "I am not hungry. If you'll excuse me, I will leave now." She turned around, reaching for the door.
Emperor Hyeon suddenly stood up, his jaw clenched in rage. He walked over to her, reaching her in just two long strides, and grabbed her arm. He yanked her away from the door and pulled her closer to him. She gasped, looking up at him with wide eyes. It all happened so quickly.
"You will respect me, whore. You're nothing but a worthless peasant. How dare you?" He snarled.
"Let go of me!" She snapped back, glowering murderously at him. She gritted her teeth as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Unless.. you want your family to suffer?" That made her stop struggling almost immediately. Her raging fire disappeared the second he mentioned them. His warm breath sent a cold shiver throughout her body.
The emperor smirked and let go of her. He closed the distance between them, taking steps towards her until she was backed up against the wall. "You will obey my every word. You will submit to me, completely. Your body, heart, and soul.. they're mine, and only mine. So unless you want me to make your family's lives a nightmare, you will do as I say. Understood?"
"Go to hell." She mumbled, not making eye contact.
He chuckled darkly at that. He leaned in and she instantly turned her face away so he wouldn't kiss her. His hand grabbed the back of her head as he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. He couldn't help but let out a small groan, "you're going to be the death of me." He whispered.
She shuddered.
"Get away from me," she growled. She placed her hands on his chest and shoved him away.
Emperor Hyeon smirked, "the more you resist me, the more I desire you.." He touched her smooth cheek with his finger, gazing at her lips. He wanted to kiss her so bad. But he knew he had to control himself, so he took a step backwards to put space between them. "I must leave now. I have business to take care of. I'll see you later, wife." He walked out.
She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.


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