Next Stop LA!

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The Yankees had to go to LA to play the Dodgers for three games and I wanted to go but then I was thinking nah. Of course when you have Aaron Judge as your fiancé he always wants you to be at almost every single game. I was his good luck charm. He always wanted his good luck kisses before the game and then he just wanted someone to support him like his family always did. I told my parents about going and they wanted me to go since they know Aaron very well now. I thought about it again and brought up a conversation about it the day before Aaron and I left.

Aaron: Honey are you sure you want to come to LA with us?
Me: Yes I want to. Besides Cody wants me there also.
Aaron: Jess and Christina love the away games so I guess you are going to sit with them and Sabrina. I don't know if the other wives are coming.
Me: Okay that's fine. Honey you worry about baseball. Remember I got this.
Aaron: You come before baseball honey.
Me: Honey I came after baseball so go shake that toosh of yours and go hit me some home runs. ;)
Aaron: I love you.
Me: I love you too babe.

Aaron after we packed pushed me on the bed and of course I giggled when he kept kissing my neck.

Me: Stop kissing my neck.
Aaron: Why?
Me: Because I'm ticklish there. Please. Haha stop. 😭😂
Aaron: You are so soft though and I love your boobs they are like pillows.
Me: Honey I have small boobs.
Aaron: So I love cute boobs and you happen to have them.
Me: Okay moving on.

He pulled away and gave me that smile that will always be the death of me.

He needed to stop giving me that smirk because it made me crazy

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He needed to stop giving me that smirk because it made me crazy.

That night we did sleep pretty well but we knew we had to get up in a few hours with the team to go to LA.

The next morning....

Aaron and I drove to the airport and then we parked in the team reserved space since the airline I guess reserved spaces for the players. Christina and Jess were with Gio and Gian inside already and Aaron and I were right behind them. I kept getting my phone blown up with texts from Cody asking me if I was coming and I said yes. He was excited and he wanted me to meet his dad Clay. From what I heard from my family since we are die hard Yankee fans that Clay played for the Yankees. I was pretty excited to meet Cody's dad and catch up with his family with Aaron.

Aaron: Honey I have never seen you so excited.
Me: I'm sorry I'm dying to meet Cody's dad.
Aaron: I thought you would have been. He told me how excited you are.
Me: Honey meeting old time Yankees is my absolute favorite and my aunt gave me a baseball from my uncle to get him to sign it.
Aaron: The die hard fan is what I love about you.
Me: Honey I told you before I met you the Yankees were tattooed to me and they still are. I'm just happy I have a man in pinstripes next to me.
Aaron: This was a honor honey and it is a honor to have you. You don't understand how much you mean to me.
Me: I have an idea.
Aaron: What?
Me: How about we go have dinner tonight with Cody and his family when we get to LA?
Aaron: That would be a good idea.
Me: Yeah.

As we got on the plane Cody told me him and Sabrina would be waiting for us and the team when we land since their first game wasn't until tomorrow night. This was the first trip I was actually excited about.

I couldn't sleep on the plane because I get really irritated in small spaces since the flight was packed with players and some wives of theirs. These were three big games and no one wanted to miss them. Christina and Jess were sleeping next to Gian and Gio and I was the only one who was trying to sleep but couldn't. Aaron was knocked out by the window and I didn't want to wake him up. I looked around to see if anyone was still up and I saw towards the front Didi was up. I smiled and tip toed towards the front and he smiled at me and told me to take a seat.

Didi: What's been on your mind that you can't sleep?
Me: Can I be honest with you?
Didi: Sarah you know you can always be honest with me.
Me: I never told anyone this besides a couple of people who haven't said anything.
Didi: Okay what is it?
Me: Okay before I met Aaron and before I knew Cody was with Sabrina I fell so hard for Cody.
Didi: You did?!?
Me: Mhm but I knew deep down I was never gonna be good enough for him.
Didi: Why would you think that way?
Me: Look at me Didi I'm not skinny. Look at Sabrina she's perfect for him. I would feel like an absolute fail next to him.
Didi: Sarah don't ever feel like that. Maybe some men just aren't meant for women who are high above them. Sarah, Aaron is so freaking lucky to have you. You got a man who will give you the world and who will guide you through life. Trust me Sarah you are a smart, beautiful, caring woman who I know when she saw Aaron Judge she fell madly in love with him. Sarah maybe your heart was set on a man in pinstripes. Sometimes God gives us someone better.
Me: Thank you. 🙂
Didi: Your welcome. If you ever want to talk I'm here. 🙂
Me: Thanks. You should get some sleep. We have two hours left.
Didi: Good idea. See you when we land.
Me: Okay.

I walked back to my seat as soon as Didi shut his light off and Aaron was still knocked out leaning between my chair and his. I held onto his bicep and I fell asleep on him.

He adjusted himself in his sleep and he was trying to move his arm I was leaning on but he smiled, kissed my forehead and went back to sleep on me.

I felt the kiss and it traveled through my body

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I felt the kiss and it traveled through my body. I was on fire inside my cheeks and I cuddled into him more.

I got back to reality and realized we only had an hour until we got off the plane.

When we would land we would be in LA.

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