Melanie. Divorce. Christian. Milwaukee.

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The next morning I got a call from Melanie. She told me to meet her at Starbucks in Midtown and I said I would be there in the next hour. She thanked me and got off the phone.

A couple of minutes later she texted me asking me if Aaron could come with me and I said I had to ask him to make sure he didn't have anything to do today.

Aaron: What's up hon?

Me: Um. Melanie wants me to meet her at the Starbucks in Midtown but she wants you to come with me.

Aaron: I can come yeah. I don't have to be at the stadium until later on so yeah we can.

Me: Okay. We should leave now.

Aaron: Yeah we should that traffic isn't going to be great since we live in the Uptown.

Me: Yep.

Aaron and I left the house and now we were a couple of blocks away in the cab from the Starbucks that Melanie was sitting in.

We walked in and we saw her sitting in the back by the computer section with her laptop and some work things around her.

I looked down at the table and she ordered us things already and to be honest we had to pay her before we left.

Melanie: Hey guys. I'm sorry you both had to come down here. I had no one else I could talk to.

Me: Hey love. No it is okay. We don't have to be at the stadium until later.

Melanie: Oh okay. Well I wanted to tell you guys that Sebastian and I got a divorce and now I am moving my job to Milwaukee.

Me: Really? Good for you Melly.

Melanie: Thanks girl. I found someone who loves me over there and you will meet him tomorrow morning since Sarah said you guys play Milwaukee tomorrow.

Aaron: Oh okay. Yeah we do. I like the team they are pretty good.

Me: Who is the guy since we know your job is going to be over there after this home stand.

Aaron: I mean I don't know anyone over there other than Christian Yelich.

Melanie: Bingo.

Aaron: Wait you are going out with Yelich now?

Melanie: We have been talking for a month now. Sebastian cheated on me with his secretary and I have known about it. Thought it would stop but when I saw it was continuing we signed the papers for a divorce and now here I am a divorced doctor who might be in love with Christian Yelich himself.

Aaron: Chris is a great guy Mel. You are going to be just fine with him. Good luck with your job.

Melanie: Thanks Aaron. You are the only guys who know.

Aaron: Oh okay. Thank you for trusting us.

Melanie: Yeah. I trust you guys to tell everyone else but I guess I can tell you guys tomorrow.

Me: That's fine love.

We gave Melanie the money for the things she bought and she didn't want it but we left it with her anyways and she knew we had good hearts. We would see her tomorrow anyways since her man Christian was playing the Yankees tomorrow.

We headed to the stadium after we went home and got our things for the game.

Aaron and I were in his car driving to the Bronx and he was happy for Melanie and the fact that she found someone who was going to be by her side no matter the case. We were going to see Christian with her tomorrow for breakfast and it was going to be a nice talk.

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