Waiting For Superman.🦸🏻‍♂️ Telling An Angel The Good News.

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As the next day rolled around the music was playing in the clubhouse and I was sitting there controlling it with my girls around me. Melanie even came with her husband Sebastian. Things were running smooth with her and Jess and they became good friends. I knew they would. (:

I scrolled through my playlist on Spotify and the Daughtry songs came up and Melanie and I since high school were such huge fans of Daughtry. Like we loved Chris and his band. Their songs were just spot on with emotions all the time. Since we loved them so much Melanie and I wanted to play Waiting for Superman because it was our favorite song. Melly wanted me to play it to those who never heard the song before but deep down I was dedicating this to Aaron knowing he was My Superman.

As the song played all the guys sat down before the game and listened to the song since as it played more attention was brought to it. The lyrics I guess is what hit everyone. I locked eyes with Aaron across the room and he remembered me telling him to listen to this song and you could see the emotion just written on his face. Giancarlo was next to him thinking about the same emotion and it was brought around to everyone even the coaches.

Didi: Wow this song is deep dude. I needed this.
Gleyber: Wow. I mean I'm speechless this song hits the spot.
Gio: I feel this in my heart.

Everyone else pretty much nodded agreeing how much the song clicked with them.

I remember just running out and I went to go sit on the mound and I had tears in my eyes looking around the stadium on this beautiful August night. It was just the perfect weather for baseball. Like you couldn't have asked God for a better day. The team was playing the Angels and to be honest with you I didn't pay attention to what was around me until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over and it was Mike Trout. I was shocked to see him since he usually doesn't come out from the dugout that much unless he is playing.

Mike: Hey need company.
Me: Hey Mike. Yeah sure why not.
Mike: What's on your mind?
Me: You know the song Waiting For Superman by Daughtry.
Mike: Talk about a throwback yeah I love Daughtry been listening to him since I was born. He's just awesome with his lyrics he begins to hit even the new comers to his music.
Me: Yeah he does. I have that song stuck in my head and my friend Melanie told me to play it in the clubhouse and I broke down and ran out here when everyone was talking about it.
Mike: Personally Sarah I would have done the same. I played that song at my wedding and the whole room was quiet. I really understand where you are coming from.
Me: Makes sense. Aaron and I don't have a song and to be honest when I heard this one I thought about it.
Mike: I like this song for you guys. My wife and I have a song by Daughtry also. Remember the song Life After You?
Me: Yes I love that song.
Mike: That's our song. As soon as we heard it we loved it. Maybe Waiting for Superman is your song with him because it describes the relationship you guys have together. It is amazing how much he has helped you and you have helped him Sarah. I call him and text him sometimes and he always talks about how you are amazing to him and that he loves you being a part of his life.
Me: It really means a lot to hear that coming from him and you. Thank you.
Mike: Your welcome but you should be thanking him not me. I'm the only one delivering the message.
Me: Actually this is going to be a first and I didn't even tell my own soul yet but I'm pregnant.
Mike: That's amazing news Sarah. When are you going to tell everyone?
Me: Well I found out this morning when Aaron was out getting things for the house and I couldn't even hold food down this morning so I always hid a test in the medicine cabinet in the basement and I took it and it was positive. I cried for about and hour and then fixed myself before Aaron got home. I want him to know next but I don't know how I can tell him.
Mike: Want me to help?
Me: Do you think the rest of the team could also?
Mike: We could try. I mean a lot of them are fathers so I guess it would be nice for them to help.
Me: Thanks Mike. I was thinking of doing it before the game tomorrow is that a good idea?
Mike: Yeah I like that idea. I will let you know when we are ready setting things up.
Me: Thank you. This stays between us and you can tell the team.
Mike: Your welcome Sarah and absolutely. Have a good game tonight.
Me: You too hun.

Mike walked back into the dugout to get his glove and things he needed to play with.

I walked back into the dugout and Aaron walked over to me and kissed me and to be honest with you that kiss between him and I was worth it and then no one bothered us or even did any movements. I guess it was just normal for everyone.

Didi Mr Photographer himself took the picture and it looked amazing when Aaron and I got it on our phones. We knew he was talented but this talent of his could go many miles when he decided to one day retire from baseball.

The picture Didi took of Aaron and I is down below.

***This original picture was taken by a photographer on Instagram named Mark Singerman

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***This original picture was taken by a photographer on Instagram named Mark Singerman. You should check him out his work is amazing.*****

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