Dealing with Social Media before Aaron.

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I remember having flashbacks last night when Aaron was in the shower and the baby was in New Jersey this week with my parents. The little one needed to see his grandparents so I told my mom this week would be okay.

Aaron walked out of the shower and I was lying on my stomach on the bed just thinking.

Aaron: Honey what's up?
Me: Babe do you think I'm beautiful?
Aaron: Whoa. Babe. Where is this coming from?
Me: Just please answer the question.
Aaron: Yes I do. I always did since the day I met you. What's going on?
Me: Before I met you I used to go through a lot of hate on social media how I was too fat or I looked like a monster people used to call me "Big Sarah" and said I had no chance with you. It brought my self-esteem down and it made me think of myself as someone who hated who she was.
Aaron: Babe listen to me. Those people they don't know you so don't listen to them. You cared about me and my team but when we went home all you did was take care of me and you had me take care of you. When we leave the baseball field it isn't about baseball inside the house it is about what we love to do together and how we are going to be dealing with life.
Me: What are you saying?
Aaron: I'm saying stop listening to other people and their comments and start believing in yourself and the husband who loves you and the child we made. What did I promise you before we got married?
Me: That you would always love me no matter what.
Aaron: Yes and should or have we changed that rule?
Me: No.
Aaron: Then what does that tell you?
Me: That you know I am beautiful and nothing else should matter besides our child and the love that we have for each other.
Aaron: Exactly. That heart of yours Sarah is the reason why I fell in love with you. The sign you made me I smiled and noticed you because you didn't care about who Aaron Judge on the baseball field was all the time you cared about Aaron Judge off the field also. Now you are just Sarah and I wouldn't change anything about you. I love you so much and I'm not going to have anyone disrespect you. You always helped me and supported me when I needed it now I'm going to do the same for you. We are married and now we have a child who loves us both. Let's be the best parents we can be to our little boy and trust me you are going to forget about the world and remember who you are.
Me: I love you.
Aaron: I love you more.

He crawled on top of me on the bed and kissed me and to be honest with you I don't remember the last time we were this intimate since we brought the baby home from the hospital. It was like a miracle when our little one was born but we always put our son first and our marriage second but now since our son is being taken care of for the week Aaron and I wanted to just cuddle and be happy again.

Aaron: You know I miss our intimate moments.
Me: Yeah I miss them also. You used to always kiss my nose and move down to my neck and I remember the first time we had sex which was in Tampa you actually used a condom.
Aaron: My God I can't believe you remember that. I mean Giancarlo was your first kiss technically but I guess you weren't in love with him were you?
Me: Nope, I really wasn't. It was more of we were both just living in the moment. He is better off and happier with Jessica. They have more of a history than him and I ever would have had. With you and I we click it just works with us.
Aaron: Yeah it does. It never worked with anyone else that wasn't you Sarah. Women pretty much tossed me around like dirty old socks and I wasn't having it anymore that is why I stayed single for so long. I was lost and didn't know how to find myself. You aren't the only one Sarah who was scared babe. I was also. I'm scared you might leave me for someone else.
Me: I would never leave you. Just because some dirty old skank bitch got in the way once doesn't mean it is going to happen again with us. We are one Aaron remember that. We are a team and a team sticks together to win the game.
Aaron: Amen baby. You are so inspiring.
Me: I always try to be. You have to keep the faith going if you don't things just become a daily chore and marriage shouldn't be a daily chore and neither should having kids. To be honest with you Aaron we did it how it should have been done. The first time we had sex we used protection because we both knew having a child at the moment was too soon but then after we got married we both knew we were ready. Ready to take that step and our little boy is our creation and to be honest with you he is handsome like his daddy.
Aaron: He has your nose though.
Me: Yeah but the rest is you Aaron. Like the freckles the soft chocolate caramel eyes those cute little baby dimples that I know I fell in love with on your face. Every single time I miss seeing your face I look at our son and I see you staring back at me. His smile just like your smile brings me so much joy. I guarantee you that son of ours legit is a mini you.
Aaron: I love you so much. Do you know that?
Me: Yes I do know that and I love you more babe. 😘

The rest of the day we pretty much made each other smile because we pretty much knew that no one could bring us down. 😄

Social media isn't and was never going to ruin us ever again and if it did we would deal with it together.

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