Amber Figures It Out. Moving Across The Country. 👋

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Amber's POV:
I went down to the locker room and I saw a girl by Aaron's locker and I had this rage written on my face. I wanted to tell Sarah but she had to come and see for herself. I sat by the door for a little while until the girl walked out the other door up the other side. I had a feeling I knew who this girl was but I wanted Sarah to see for herself. I walked to Aaron's locker and went through the girl's purse. She had something's of his in it especially this ring. I didn't know what the ring was but I took a picture of it for future reference and I went through anything else that looked suspicious. After looking through what I needed I walked up to the stands and back to my seat.

After the game......

Sarah walked over and sat next to Amber.

Me: Girl what did you find?
Amber: You might want to come see for yourself since everyone was in the locker room already.

Amber walked me down to the locker room and Aaron's parents were talking to Giancarlo and Sarah saw what Amber saw before a girl talking to Aaron and she was getting very close to him.

Sarah obviously stopped in her tracks and of course had furious tears running down her face. She thought this was over and done with but boy did that become ONE BIG FAT LIE.

Brett: Sarah you good?
Me: Who's the girl?
Brett: Oh shit. 😒
CC: Samantha.
Brett: Hm. Had a feeling? Does he not see you looking? Like how much of a dumb ass can he be?!? If that was me I would look like such an asshole right now knowing my wife is looking at me directly with another woman in front of my face.

While Brett was still talking Amber tried to walk behind me and I shook my head telling her to stay right where she is.

This is the game he wanted to play cool. I was going to show him what is going to happen since this is strike two. Strike three probably won't need to happen because in my right mind it went together with strike two at the moment.

I walked up to Aaron and his little bitch named Samantha. Of course I printed the divorce papers from Boone's office that the lawyer sent over because I signed them already.

Aaron: Sarah.
Me: Oh hi.
Aaron: I can explain.
Me: Oh Aaron no need. I'm done. Here are the divorce papers and here's your ring. I will send the custody info over for you to take our son. I will visit him every weekend and anytime you don't want him in your life otherwise good bye Aaron. Have a nice life.

Everyone looked around me shocked and even Jessica was fuming but you know what when I say I'm done I'm really done. Christina tried to walk out with me and I said she didn't need to bother. I wanted to be alone and alone for good.

Walking out of that dugout felt good but the best part was Coach Boone told me he was sorry for all this happening but I remember telling him "I did it MY WAY just like Frank Sinatra sang."

Getting in my car and driving off somewhere I needed to leave NY once and for all and the only place I could go to where Aaron and anyone else wouldn't find me is Kike and Mariana's place in LA. I called them told them everything and they said to pack up my shit and move my stuff since a place opened next door to them. It was Mariana's cousin's place but they moved back to Puerto Rico and she was selling it to me. I packed up what I could and I called movers to drive all the way to LA to drop the stuff off to the house.

I flew into LA and my cousin was going to drive my car to LA and stay with me for a couple of days and then he was going to fly back home.

When I got there. I waited for the movers to set everything up in the house and then when I was done moving in I knocked on the door next door to mine around the yard.

Mariana was at the door with a sincere look on her face.

Mariana: Are you okay hermana?
Me: You should know the answer lol.
Mariana: Oh I do. Sit down I was just about to make some food Kike is at practice for the afternoon he should be home soon. Cody is coming over with Sabrina and his brother Cole.
Me: Okay. Cool.
Mariana: I'm glad you moved on Sarah. Good for you.
Me: Yeah thanks girl.

Mariana looked down at her phone and saw a call from Giancarlo.

She picked it up and said hello.

Giancarlo: Is Sarah okay?
Me: Yeah she's fine. She went out grocery shopping with my cousin Eddie.
Giancarlo: Oh okay. Can you tell her to call me and DJ.
Mariana: She isn't in NY anymore Giancarlo.
Giancarlo: Wait what do you mean?
Mariana: She moved to LA.
Giancarlo: She didn't tell anyone.
Mariana: That's because she doesn't want to be bothered anymore Giancarlo do you not get that? She's done with all of you and needs a new life. If she wants to go back that is her decision but for right now she's divorced looking after her son once in a blue moon and ready to move on. Good bye Giancarlo.
Giancarlo: Um okay bye Mariana.

As soon as she slammed her iPhone on the table Kike called and Mariana told him that I was here.

He walked through the door a couple of seconds later and hugged me. I cried into him and Mariana held me from the other end.

Kike: Sarah we are going to help you. I promise.
Me: Thank you. I don't know where else I would have gone. I could have stayed with Cody and Sabrina but I don't need to bother them.
Kike: We understand Sarah. They actually are in the living room.

I walked into the living room and saw Cody and Sabrina. They gave me a hug as quick as they could and sat down.

Cody: Sarah we are here for you you know that right?
Me: Thanks Code.
Sabrina: Anything you need Sarah we have your back 24/7.
Me: Yep. I know. Thank you. :)

Sabrina said the baby was with Cody's parents for the week so they were glad to stay with us for dinner.

As I went to bed that night I thought about a way to cool off for tomorrow when I moved into the place across the yard from Kike and Mariana.

Mariana walked in and asked me what I wanted to do tomorrow since the guys had practice.

Mariana: Sabrina and I were going to go to a salsa club in downtown LA tomorrow with their friends and they wanted me to tag along and I said sure.

Let's hope this was a start of me moving on.


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