Chapter 2: A sobering conversation.

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Eleanora just stares at him, without a word, scolding him with her piercing green eyes, like they are burning into his very soul. He can't take it for long and just yells.
"Gods... I'm fucking sorry alright?! Please just stop with the eyes... Boring into my head!"
Eleanora just raises an eyebrow and so he just huffs and storms up the stairs, into his room and slams his bedroom door behind him, locking it from the inside before he flops onto his bed. As he lays back though, his head starts to spin, the room and the walls start swirling around him, making him feel nauseous. So much so that he suddenly has to sit bolt upright and reach for his bed pan, he throws up into it quite violently, two times while thinking.
'Ugh... Whisky on an empty stomach was a bad idea...' Before collapsing backwards onto his bed, he promptly passes out in the position that he falls.

A few hours later, he is awoken to the feeling of warm, damp sandpaper lightly scratching his face, closely followed by a loud 'meow' in his ear. He moves his head to see a pair of yellow-green eyes of their tomcat Thomas, he is a slightly chunky smoky grey cat.
"Shit, Thomas! I'm so sorry little man..."
He strokes Thomas's head for a minute and he starts purring. Luca generally likes animals more than he likes people, particularly cats though, ever since he was a baby actually. Thomas had chosen Luca as his favourite person when they adopted him, he sleeps in Luca's room often and will snuggle up on his bed or on his lap or occasionally on Sera's lap whenever she is there.

Luca sits peacefully for a moment, thinking to himself 'Damn, I must have locked him in my room when I got in... Fuck, I hope he hasn't peed on the floor...'
He then cranes his neck so he can see the dark wood floor, he sees a small puddle by the door, he thinks out loud.
"He did... Damn it... Poor baby, it's my fault..."
He then cuddles into Thomas for a moment.
"Aww I'm sorry, boy... It wasn't your fault... As usual... I'm an irresponsible idiot..."
Thomas just chirps in his ear, completely unbothered by it.
Luca grins and makes a joke though, talking to the cat like he's another person.
"You didn't have to agree with me!"
Thomas then nuzzles Luca's face with his nose, his whiskers brushing against his cheek while he purrs intensely.
"Aw you're a beautiful, cuddly boy aren't you?"
He rubs the cat's chin, Thomas has a look of bliss on his little furry face as he continues to purr. Just then he hears a knock at his door and he rolls his eyes as he mumbles to himself.
"Ugh... Moment of contentment, over..."

He sits up and hears a familiar female voice.
"Luca... Who are you talking to? Can I come in?"
It sounds like Sera.
"Is that you, Sera? I was just talking to the cat..."
She sniggers before shouting back.
"Hah alright you madman... Yes it's me... Can you unlock the door please?"
He sighs, gets up and grabs a cloth rag to clean up the puddle in front of the door.
"He's my best friend though! Just give me a second... He peed on the floor right in front of the door..."
He hears her sniggering, he speaks sarcastically.
"Yes, it's very funny... You'd have blamed me if you stepped in it!"
She replies while still giggling. "Hahah. Oh lighten up, you big grump..."
He imitates her silently, mouthing her words and making a snooty face while gesturing with his hand in a 'blah blah blah' motion. Once he's finished cleaning up, he unlocks the door, opens it and tosses the damp rag into his washbasin, Thomas scampers out of the room hurriedly like he's just been freed from prison, it is his dinner time after all.

Luca then sits on the edge of his bed, his legs apart and his elbows resting on his knees, he has a fed up expression because he knows that even though it's Sera and that they are very close, that he's likely going to get some kind of lecture. Eleanora usually sends Sera or Alexander to talk to him after most kinds of self inflicted incident as she just doesn't know how to get through to him sometimes, he thinks it's because they are so different but really, it's because they're so alike that they clash.

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