Chapter 3: Unlikely approval.

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Luca walks downstairs with Sera still on his back and then into the dining room, where Logan, Dylan, Alexander and Eleanora are sitting having a light brunch, they all look at the two of them. Alexander smirks a little and raises an eyebrow, Logan grins, Dylan is trying not to laugh and Eleanora has nothing but confusion and mild disappointment on her face as she shakes her head.

He lets Sera go and she gracefully drops off onto the floor and heads to Logan, before she sits though, she whispers in Alexander's ear.
"Hear him out... Please, dad..."
Alexander just nods and she sits down, Logan decides to comment before the inevitable scolding starts.
"Remind me how old you are Sera?"
She giggles.
"Hah... You're as young as you feel, besides, you're never too old to get a piggy back from someone taller than you!"
He grins and kisses her cheek but senses the building animosity between Luca and Eleanora.
"Hah, I think you're right there... Dylan... Want a piggy back into the garden?"
Dylan nods and grins excitedly.
"Ohhh yes please, dad!"
Logan stands up, then crouches down in front of Dylan, who then jumps on his back, they both leave the room and head outside, Dylan giggling his head off. Dylan is Sera and Logan's only son. He's a handsome, cheeky, clever and charming boy who looks very like his father, he has Logan's very dark brown eyes and soft, straight jet black hair. He has Sera's ears and cheeky smile though.

 He has Sera's ears and cheeky smile though

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Logan and Dylan.

Luca uses the short distraction to take a seat himself, he grabs a slice of buttered brown bread with jam and starts eating it. Eleanora just glares at him, arms folded, she speaks in her usual impatient tone.
"Well? What do you have to say for yourself, young man?"
Luca makes a bad decision and rolls his eyes at her as he's chewing a mouthful, she just glares at him.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me, young man! Gods know I get enough of that from your father... And your sister... So are you going to tell me why I had to answer the door at quarter past six in the fucking morning to a Knight Paladin bringing my drunken idiot of a son home? Well?"
Alexander takes her hand, trying to calm her down a bit.
"Please do not be too hard on him sweetheart... There might be a good reason..."
She sighs heavily.
"But if I'm not hard on him... No-one else will be! You certainly won't be..."
Alexander rolls his eyes this time and shakes his head. She just groans and gestures dramatically to him.
"Ugh, see? Alright, Luca... Please explain yourself..."
He slumps back in his chair and adopts a somewhat sarcastic tone.
"Wait... You're actually giving me chance to explain without automatically assuming the worst of me? Well shit, I wasn't expecting that..."
Alexander looks at him pointedly.
"Do not push your luck, boy..."
Luca rolls his eyes again, his tone remains dramatically sarcastic though.
"Alright fine... I couldn't sleep last night because I was upset... And if you ever really cared to actually listen to me when I tell you what was going on in my life instead of just assuming that I'll inevitably fuck up, then you'd know... Erin dumped me yesterday, not thirty seconds after I told her that I was in love with her... Believe it or not, I actually do have feelings... And they're really confusing and fucking infuriating sometimes."

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