Chapter 2

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She looked at the four story building in front of her, that means A will be the first floor, she followed some student and luckily for her she saw the elevator and quickly took it.
She got to the head office and was directed to the right office for her clearance, school map a schedule. She noticed that she will be using the building labeled as RED for all her classes, there were five tall buildings, BLACK, WHITE, GREY and the alphabet building, she went to her building and quickly located her first class finally.
She was late no doubt, she quietly went to the empty seat at the back, her lecturer looked up.
" I won't appreciate late comings in my class next time " the lady went on with her lessons. Good thing she was not asked to introduce herself.
Rose survived her morning classes feeling hungry she went to the cafe, after buying her food she went and sat down In an empty seat.
" can I join? " someone asked Rose, she turned to the voice and saw a pair of blue eyes staring down at her round a trimmed glasses.
" sure " Rose smiled
The guy placed his tray down on the table and sat opposite her.
" my name is Toby "
" Rose"
He nodded, eating his food without a care in the world. He looked up at her with raised eyebrow " ain't you eating? "
" I am, all eyes are just on me "
He looked around and shrugged " not every day we got to meet new people " he said to himself
" what? "
" nothing, so what are you studying? " he changed the topic and Rose let it go.
" mass communication "
He spare her a look " really? You must like talking then "
" not really " she saw her sisters walk in and they came over to her table.
" they all look weird" Anna complained sitting beside Rose while Isa sat beside Toby.
" you made yourself a friend " Isa said looking at Toby.
He looked from one to the other then to Rose.
" Toby meet, Isabella and Annabella, girls this is Toby" Rose did the introduction.
" hi" the girls said together .
" hello, nice meeting you " Toby said.
" you don't want to eat all that do you? " asked Anna pointing to Rose's plate
" I was waiting for you girls to join me " said Rose bitterly. She pack her things ready to leave the table.
" and where are you going? " demanded Isa
" somewhere else " she stood up " have fun " she turned to Toby " bye"
She left the table and the girls started their new gossip.

It was Rose last class for the day, and she made her way out of the school when someone collide into her making her to fall on her ass, she saw a little crowd and she helped herself up,it was like a fight was going on. Really this school has no rules, fight? While not in high school, they really need to live up.
She saw the two guys almost in blood, and no one was trying to stop them, she hate seeing blood, why can't someone stop them?.
" STOP " a loud voice sounded, it was so firm that Rose felt the power from it, there was silent everywhere and Rose tried to find the source of the voice, curse her height.
" Alex, Drew am seeing you in my office in 30 minutes time" the voice demanded
" yes Alpha" the boys said leaving, and the crowd too, Rose stood rooted in her position.
The owner of the voice turned to her and she looked away, she could feel his gaze burning up her skin.
" wow " a voice that sounded just like Anna said, Rose did not even noticed her sisters standing beside her. " he is so handsome "
" you got that right " agreed Isa.
True the guy was tall, handsome, he was in suit, and he screamed wealth, Rose wondered who he was, he walked over to them stopping In front of the girls.
" and you must be the McDaniels" he said not nicely though.
Rose couldn't help but noticed his blue eyes like that of Toby, he was all muscled and matured, his voice was so masculine.
" yes, am Anna and she is Isa " Anna was saying with a flirty smile.
He nodded turning to Rose " and you? "
Anna stepped on Rose feet. " ahooo, am Rose " Rose gave Anna a dirty look.
"Have a nice stay here ladies, I must leave now" he said and left.
" wow, he is mine! " declared Anna.
Rose rolled her eyes leaving them to their fairytale. But she just can't stop thinking about that majestic face and voice.

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