Chapter 12

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The next day Rose prepared for school wearing her old used clothes, she did not see Jace through out, she had breakfast with Toby and they went to school together. She should be freaking out but she wasn't.
During her class with Jace she was dozing and he let her.
" Rose" a voice called her from her left
She jerked up and turned to Chris " em... Hi" she covered a yawn with the back of her left hand
" are you okay? "
" yes " she faced front and noticed Jace fist was clenched tight. Their gaze met and she looked away from his intense gaze.
She turned to Toby " what's wrong with him? " she whispered.
A growl was heard and Jace left the class.
" class over, come on am starving " Toby pulled her out of the class to the cafeteria.  When they were seated Toby answered her question.
" werewolf have a sharp ear, and can hear miles away, they have speed and strength, they can also heal faster than normal human "
" wow, but still I don't like wolf" she shrugged " so he heard my question? "
" I think so, Plus I think he heard and saw you talking to Chris "
She raised a perfect brow " so? "
" jealous "
" Mr Wolf jealous? " she laughed
" since he is your mate, yes"
She stopped laughing " do you have a mate? "
" nope, have not met her, normally  we meet our mate at age 18 "
" and how old are you? "
" am 19, hoping to find her soon "
" how old is Jace then? "
" 23 "
" hum " she drank from her water " see you later " she left the table.

After school Rose was quick to go home, she hid in her room.
Hours later her voice was called by Isa, she lazily went out, she saw Toby and Jace in the sitting room along with her family.
" darling are you okay? " her mother asked and she nodded.
" so Mr Wolf said you will be living with him and his family " her father said
Rose glared at him and before she could say no Anna beat her to it " she is not going alone "
" what? " Toby asked confused
" we are coming with her, we are sisters we are not letting her go alone "
" girls " Mrs McDaniels started
" mom, we stay back so does Rose, she is not going anywhere without us " Isa said.
" am yet to decide " Rose half yelled to get their attention, all eyes turned to her.
" you are going " both Isa and Anna said.
Rose rolled her eyes at them.
" what is your say Rose? "Her mother asked her
" I.. " * its for your safety* the voice said in her head and she met Jace's gaze. * its unsafe for you here * she looked at Toby and he nodded at her.  " fine we are going with them if that is okay with you mom? "
" its okay with us " Isa said. " let's go get ready. The girl left to pack.
" Rose dear, go pack your stuff " Mrs McDaniels told her.
" can I speak to you Toby? "
Toby looked at his brother for permission, Jace nodded and Toby followed Rose to her room.
She started packing, Toby sat on her bed.
" hope, things will be right with my sisters there? "
" well, hopefully, Jace can handle them"
"okay" she went to get somethings from her bathroom " am trying to get use to all these, will my sisters know the truth? "
" only Jace can answer that, but I think since they will be living there they need to know the truth "
" won't everything be messed up? "
" nope " Toby popped the 'p'
" am done " Toby helped her with her bag down and they waited for extra twenty minutes for Isa and Anna to  come down.  They came with three bags each and stuffed it in their car and followed Jace in his car.
  Rose sat at the back of his car with Toby.
Jace mind linked the pack members about his guest and they all should behave or be punished.
  When they got there, the omegas came to get the girls bags and led them to their room. Jace led Rose and Toby to a room beside his and Toby's room.
They were at the west  wing while her sisters room were at the south wing.
Jace went for his business after that and Toby left Rose to unpack her bags. 
Exhausted, Rose fell on her bed for a quick nap.
A knock on her door woke her up, she looked around her surroundings before remembering where she was. The knock sounded again and she stood up and went to get it.
A girl stood in front of her door with a smile on her beautiful face. She was Rose's age or maybe a year older than Rose.
She has a chocolate eyes and brown hair complimenting her beauty.
" am Katherine, but you can call me Kate " she said in a friendly voice
" Am Rose " Rose offered.
" dinner is ready if you are interested, your Sisters just had dinner "
" em... Am fine, not hungry "
Kate's smile fell, but she shrugged " if you later change your mind, its in the fridge "
" thanks Kate "
" yes " Kate turned and left.
Rose went back to her roon and brought out her homeworks.
She was into it that she did not noticed Toby walking in.
She gave him a look when he fell on her bed, she was seated in her study chair.
" I knocked, you didn't answer " Toby defended himself.
" hum" she turned back to her work.
Her door burst opened and Isa walked in. " I want to go home already " she collapsed on the bed beside Toby.
Rose rolled her eyes looking at her " did you just said what I thought I heard? " she laced her voice with surprise.
  Isa rolled her eyes sitting upright " its not funny Rose, they are all giving me weird looks, plus they are too many! " she turned to Toby " where did they all come from? "
" we are just naturally nice" Toby said with a smile.
" arrrggg! " she stormed away from the room.
Toby stood up " its late, you should relax Rose, see you tomorrow " he walked out.
Rose finished her work and went to sleep.

Rose's door burst opened and she woke up scared as she stared at the intruder, her heart beat faster than she can control.

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