10 - Faith

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Ren's brain was completely fried by the time she arrived home. Thankfully, Kelly told her to take the next few days off to get herself in order after she finally got Ren to crack and tell her what was actually wrong; nothing that was scheduled was anything that a Registered Nurse couldn't handle. Upon arriving home, Ren saw a familiar face sitting on her porch swing - her little Rachel. The biggest sense of relief fluttered across Ren's face as she quickly exited her car and grabbed her work bag before skipping up the steps.

Faith stood from the swing and took a step to meet Ren who was already reaching for an embrace. "Oh Faith." The sobs started almost immediately as her younger sister's shoulder began receiving the brunt of her tears. Faith began humming a tune to help calm Ren while stroking the back of her black hair, her finger tips pressing gently into her scalp while she stayed silent, save for her gentle humming.

When Ren calmed herself down, she finally pulled away from Faith - her eyes were and puffy with the slightest black rings from her mascara running and smearing. "Come inside, please?" Faith nodded and followed behind her older sister.

"I assume you heard?" Ren threw her bag on the armchair near the door before she plopped down on the sectional in the same spot she slept in the prior night. Faith nodded gently before she floated gracefully towards the couch and slowly sat, hands folding into her lap like an elegant butterfly.

"I hope you don't mind, but Joseph told me. I am so sorry you had to experience that, sister." Ren had to get used to new Rachel aka Faith - everything about her was different from the Rachel she knew, from her idiosyncrasies to her speech.

"Not at all. Saves me from providing the details." Ren began fiddling with her fingers in her lap as Faith curled a piece of Ren's hair behind her ear. "I didn't get much sleep after it happened to me the first time. So I brought you something." Ren's eyes met her sisters pale blue eyes. "What is this?"

Ren turned and examined the small glass vial that held a greenish blue liquid in it. "Bliss. I believe you have heard of it, no?"

"Once. That was how Jacob subdued...him." Ren's eyes glanced at the floor, the blood no longer painted the floor, but its image was still fresh in her mind.

"Ren, I know of this pain. I cannot imagine it on top of the pains you brought home. Joseph...he saved me. He pulled me out of my own thoughts, my mind was my enemy trying to suffocate and drown me. But he cared for me, sent me down the road to restoration. Don't you see? He can save you too. From the pain. From the memories. From the hurt." Faith's finger brushed down Ren's cheek, the touch leaving a trail of tingles down her skin.

"Faith. I..."

"Did you read it?" Faith nodded to the Book of Joseph that laid on the side table near Ren. Ren glanced over and sighed. "I have not, no." Faith took hold of Ren's hand and closed it around the green vile. "Please, sister. Read it. Tonight. Then take this. Slip into a blissful sleep and rest. And we will speak tomorrow."

With a gentle kiss to Ren's forehead, Faith stood and smiled as she walked to the front door and left, leaving her sister with instructions to help bring her some momentary comfort.

Shortly after Faith's departure, Ren snuggled up in her bed with a cup of tea and the Book of Joseph. Once she started, she couldn't put it down. Her eyes welled with tears on some pages while others left her mouth agape. Each page turned with haste as she sped through the pages, the chapters, then finally realized she had gone through the entire book.

Joseph wrote this?
His family?
His brothers?
My ... my Rachel.

Her face fell into her hands as the tears began streaming down, her eyes burning while her lips parted to release a series of sobs and cries.

A Sister's Faith - A Far Cry 5 AUWhere stories live. Discover now