11 - Trauma

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"Doctor! We need you over here!"

Ren went running towards the nurses who were trying to subdue a patient on a stretcher at the entrance of the surgical tent, her eyes examining the situation as she sped by the beds of injured military personnel.

"You're going to be okay, sir." Ren could hear one of the nurses say as she pressed on the man's shoulders. Another nurse, a rather burly male, was trying to keep the patient's arms from flailing about as he spoke incoherently, the man's head pulling away from the cot with every flail.

"I need 50cc's of Alprazolam, stat!" Ren hollered behind her to one of the orderlies who was standing near the pharmaceutical station. Ren finally made it across the room to the commotion as she analyzed what was happening as the patient began babbling in his native tongue, clearly a Syrian.

"What's he saying?" Ren asked the interpreter who stood nearby. "He doesn't want a woman helping him."

Ren scoffed. "Well he's shit out of luck, it's my shift and he's got half a belly full of shrapnel." The interpreter tried starting to tell the man that, but Ren interjected. "Just..tell him he's safe, we're here to help."

The interpreter shrugged and did as he was told, but looked back at Ren when the response came through. "Yeah I'm not repeating that to you, Captain." The Major gave a slight chuckle at the words spouted from the man.

"Doctor. Here's the sedative." The nurse handed Ren the capped needle and she nodded in thanks before moving towards the man. Ren touched his face gently, her hands gazing his skin as she began to shush him. "You're going to be okay."

She motioned for her colleagues to move away from the man as his flailing began to die down before his eyes fluttered back into his head and he succumbed to the sedative she had sneakily injected into his thigh.

"Get him to surgery."


The early morning it happened, Ren was walking to her tent after a long night, her feet were aching after spending 10 hours in surgery to remove shrapnel from an IED from a soldier who was just driving down the road towards an outpost - he was the only survivor, and just barely.

Ren stopped in her tracks when she swore she heard the ground behind her cracking under the weight of someone, but the darkness of the camp hid a hell of a lot. Keeping her ears open, Ren's hand went to her side arm as she began walking back to her tent, her body completely on edge.

Without any inclination, Ren felt a hand pull on her shoulder to whip her around, and she saw the man who she had been helping, who had refused to be helped by a woman. His eyes were angry, and above her head he held a knife. He began spouting at her in the language of the area, or so she'd been told.

Her heart froze, her breath stuck in her throat as this man jabbed down the sharp instrument to stab her, but she connected her fist to his stomach which caused him to buckle at the waist. When she attempted to holler, the man kicked her legs out causing her to fall to the ground with a thud.

He stood straight, and had a rage to him as he gave an amused smile before he walked his feet in between Ren's legs, his dark features looming down on her as he said something she knew was snarky. He bent down and held the knife to her throat while speaking, the fear in Ren's eyes palpable. Shuffling back slightly, Ren was trying to get away without hurting the man, but he grabbed hold of her foot and jabbed the sharp metal into her calf.

A pained cry came from Ren as the metal slid out from her muscle, the pain radiating up her leg. The man was not backing down. Her right hip lifted from the ground as she pulled her sidearm out and aimed it at the man who just smiled at her before lunging.

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