Just One Night

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"No I'm not trick-or-treating with you and Danny! Don't be so absurd."

"Please Doctor?" Clara begged,clasping her hands together. " This will be a great opportunity for you and Danny to ...you know."

"What Clara?"

"To hit it off!" The Doctor scoffed, unknowingly walking in circles around the Tardis to avoid Clara as she went after him.

"Hit it off? I thought he was your boyfriend." Clara rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn't taking no for an answer.

"You will go. It will do you some good to go out and do something normal without getting into trouble. And it's fun!"

"I live in a time machine. I'm a Time Lord. Fun is my job."

"Yeah right, if you consider trying to get yourself killed in impossible situations, fun." The Doctor turned to face Clara and it might had been her imagination, but the Doctor looked older, more strained, than usual. Like the whole world rested on his shoulders, weighing him down.

"I don't try to get myself killed, Clara." Even his voice sounded tired." I have a responsibility, I have things I need to make right. You don't know the decisions I have to live with. You couldn't even begin to understand."

" I'm not asking you to stop saving the world. I'm asking you to spend one night, just one night, in present time. And it just happens to be Halloween. Sooo-"

"So no. It would be a waste of my time doing trickery treats or whatever you humans call it. There are more important-"

"More important?" Clara couldn't believe what he was saying. "Am I not important? Is my life not important? The fact that I want you to be in my life a little bit more instead of me getting sucked off into yours? Or is it Danny?" The Doctor stopped and looked at Clara in disbelief while she looked back at him with tears pooling in her eyes. The silence was deafening for a long time till finally Clara spoke softly but harsh.

"So that's it then? Will you ever learn to like him?"


" No, shut up Doctor. He is as much apart of me as you are and he deserves a chance. And if you won't give him one then GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" Clara turned and ran out of the Tardis as the Doctor called after her. Of course, Clara has been very cross with the Doctor lately, and never once did the Doctor think he was really the problem. She stepped out into the caretaker's closet and collasped on the floor, letting her tears flow freely down her face. After a minute she heard the Tardis dematerialize and when she looked up he was gone.

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