Nadia Pov
I wake up and I see suit cases. Then I remember why there there. I'm going to a girls school today. yay!!! Lies. I don't wanna go. But it had to happen at one time. Harry and William both go to Eaton. At least he gets to go with Will. I'm going by my self.
I get dresses in a black and white romper. I wear black heels. That's all royals wear. Yay me.

I grab my suitcases and put them at the bottom of the stairs. I go In the kitchen for breakfast. I'm not happy about going. I walk in.
"Morning." I say not as happy as I usually am. They all say it back.
"You excited?" Harry asks me. I glare at him. He sees the answer in my glare. "I'll take that as a no." He says. I nod.
"Your not excited?" Will says. I sigh. Its not like i am. I get to venture out on my own be a normal kid for once but how can you. When your a royal you can never be normal.
"No. I'll have no friends." I say. He nods. So does Harry. They read my expression.
"Me and Will didn't have friends." Harry says trying to make me feel better. It didn't work. It really didn't work.
"You guys had each other." I say. They both nod.
The maid comes in. She curtseys of course. I wish they didn't. It makes me feel weird sometimes. I can't stop it. I Tell gran that all the time and she says mummy hated it too.
"Her Majesty is here." When she says that Granny walks in. She smiles at the maid then she walks over and gives us all kisses.
"So Nadia are you excited." She asks. I wish everyone would stop asking me that. Its getting on my nerves. Can they just stop. is what I wanna say but I don't. Shes the queen after all.
"No but I'm sure I'll be fine."
"I'll miss you." Harry says. I laugh and hug him. Hes my older brother and I love him. Even if he pisses me off sometimes.
"You'll be across the lake and well visit each other." I say. He nods. Will walks up. (Made the school and lake thing up). my dad walks over to me. I haven't slapped him recently.
"Ready to take on the world.?" He asks Me. I take a deep breath. This is it. I'm no longer princess Nadia Jean Marie Veronica Adeline Sophia Elizabeth Aday Rose. I'm just Nadia Jean Marie Veronica Adeline Sophia Elizabeth Aday Rose. I slowly nod my head.
"ill miss you. Call when you can okay?" Dad asks me. I nod my head and hug him. He gives me a kiss on the cheek. Me And Harry do our hand shake. Then they leave to drop the boys off. Then I'm alone.

The rooms here are pretty big. I drop my stuff and take out my stuff. I put my clothes in the closet. I'm pitting my stuff away when I hear peoples voices . I walk out and see a blonde girl. She has brown eyes. Shes with 2 other girls. I guess there her goons. She looks me up and down.
"I'm Bianca." Typical mean girl name.
"This is Britney and Bethany. Were the B's." She says. Yeah B's for bitch. "We run this school. So you better hang with us." she says.I make a face. Did she give me an order and expect me to follow it. Shes not scary. Neither are her goon squad. I give her a smile.
"I'm fine." I say. She drops her smile and makes a weird face. She looks a bit mad but I'm not sure.

The Third Wale
Fanfictionbefore she died Princess Diana had a daughter named Nadia Jean Marie Veronica Adeline Sophia Elizabeth Aday Rose. She was 10 years old when her father walked into her room and told her the tragic news. She fell into a deep depression. She wanted h...