Nadia pov
I wake up with a smile stuck on my face it soon fades when I realize that I have to go back to school today. I skip back down on the bed. My door creeks open. I act like I'm sleep. Maybe if I'm sleep then I won't have to go back just yet.
"Nadia..." Harrys voice fills the room. I continue to act like I'm sleep. I hear him get up and Leave. Yes! Then a cool sensation covers my face. I swiftly sit up and rub my face.
"Henry Charles Albert David!!" I shout glaring at him. The red headed Bandit just laughs and points.
"Papa said get up shower then come down for breakfeast so we can get ready to go."He says leaving. I groan and get up. As I'm getting up i see Josie. She was mama's lady in waiting and now she's mine. She's more like family than a servant.
"Morning Naddie." She says smiling at me. I smile back. She the looks at my silk pink pajamas which are covered with water.
"Can you change my sheets. Harry woke me up again." I say. This isn't the first time Harry has done this to me. She nods and Walks into my room.
William pov
"We probably shouldn't send Harry up to wake her anymore. " Papa says with a chuckle in his voice. I nod just as a cheeky Harry walks downstairs.
"But it's funny too. Let her see how it feels to be pranked on." I say sipping on orange juice. We all laugh when Naddie walks in.
"I'm going to get you back Henry." She mumbles under her breath so only Harry and I can hear it. Dad's kinda getting up there so his hearings going out.
Nadia pov
After we leave home we drive to the school. The car ride is silent. We're all scared and we don't want to go back but we know we have to. "Education is key". Granny says. Thats probably were dad gets it from. We drop me off first since I'm closest I guess. I have no idea.
I step out of the car only to be greeted by Rachel's squeals. I run to her and hug her like I havent seen her in years but I saw her a couple weeks ago. The driver takes my bags out of the trunk and rolls then up to me. I kindly thank him.
"I'll be right back. " I say to Rachel before running back to the car. I hug my brothers and father. I gives them each a kiss on the cheek then I go back to my best friend.
-------"Did you get in trouble?" Rachel asks when we get back to school. I try to think about what she's talking about. Then I remember. She's talking about the prank Harry and I did at the Hotel. I shake my head no.
"I put the fear of god into Will too much for him to snitch. " we both laugh . We hear heels clicking on the ground behind us. We turn around and see Biana and her Hive. I groan. We've only been here for 4 hours and she's picking a fight
"Well if it isn't the nerd squad. " She says shake like. We roll our eyes.
"You've been saying that for a while school year. When are you going to come up with something new?" I ask taunting her. She narrows her eyes just like I do. I cross my arms awaiting her statement.
"When your mother comes back to life." She says with a chuckle in her voice. I slowly turn around to face her . My face is twisted and mad.
"What the hell did you say?" I ask warning her to think wisely.
"Oh come on its so obvious that your mother is dead. Duh but that made her life better. She didn't have to deal with you anymore and your father didn't have to deal with her ugly ass anym-"

The Third Wale
Fanfictionbefore she died Princess Diana had a daughter named Nadia Jean Marie Veronica Adeline Sophia Elizabeth Aday Rose. She was 10 years old when her father walked into her room and told her the tragic news. She fell into a deep depression. She wanted h...