Her Over Us

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It's Saturday and I've been suspended for the whole week. Well thats not entirely true. The fight happened on Tuesday but dad thought it would be a good idea to keep me home all week. The school thought it would be a great idea since it was "a traumatic experience for all who viewed." No I'll tell you what's a traumatic experience, talking on the phone with your mom then hours later hearing she's dead.  Watching 2 kids fight aren't even on the same line. They run a very thin line. The school mailed my school work that I missed. Harry calls me every night to tell me what's happened at school. I'm in my bedroom reading To Kill A Mockingbird  when I hear my bedside phone ring. I carefully fold the edge of the page,before placing it in my bedside table. I pick up the phone only to hear my oldest brothers voice.

"Will?" I ask making sure that it's him and not a prank caller. A chuckle comes the other side of the line. Which only makes me more skeptical.

"Yes this is him." He says in a reassuring voice. "Hey naddie?" He asks me after a few moments to silence.


"Harry says turn around" I make a questionable look as I do what I am told. Turning around I see my brothers. In the flesh. I scream and run towards them. I jump on both them,causing all 3 of us to fall to the ground. We all burst into a fit of giggles. William being the punk he is says ow,  which Harry and myself laugh at. There wearing t shirts and jeans. It's been a while since I've seen William wear anything but a suit.

"What are you two dorks doing here?" I ask once we all get off of the dark brown colored wood.

"Well we missed you and some it Saturday we can come home so here we are." Harry explains. A smile appears on my lips. That's so thoughtful of them. They wanted to be with me since They know what's been going on. 

"How have you been?" William asks me. That's a great question. No one's asked me how I was doing because Bianca is the victim. She has the broken nose. Nobody cares that she talked badly about my mom. Nobody cares that she's been making my life living hell ever since I got here.

"I'm fine. Kinda wish I was at school though. " I say sadly. It was true as much as I knew people would stare and point, I wanted to go back.

"I though you were only suspended for two days" Willian says after a few moments of silence. 

"For some reason dad wanted me to stay longer." Harry puts a hand to his chin which means he's processing  what I'm talking about. It was kinda weird. When William and Harry got in fights they served there suspension time then went back to school.

We all decide to go outside since it was October meaning it would start to get cold soon. So we have to take advange of this. I'm sitting on blanket while I'm reading. Harry and Will are climbing a tree. Or that's what they said. With those two you never know. As I'm reading I feel a cold sensation run down my back,causing me to jump up. I see Harry holding a cup of water. William is just laughing at the scene. I grab the glass from Harry's hand and throw the water on William. He looks so shocked and mad. Harry laughs harder than he was before. William lifts Harry up and they walk over to the pool.

"William put down!"Harry yells. "I didn't even throw water on you!" He says. "Will-" but his sentence is cut short by Will throwing him in the neon blue colored water. I giggle at my brothers kiddish actions. I am soon in the same position as Harry was 2 seconds ago.

"WILLIAM  ARTHUR  PHILLIP LOUIS  WINDSOR!" I shout at the top of my lungs. I kick my legs and arms but it's no use. I'm weaker than Will is. I'm soon matching Harry in the pool. But will isn't going to get away. I grab Wills hand and pull him down with me.  The pool ia freezing cold. Which makes sense since its October. all begin slashing one another until were completely soaked. We all begin laughing at our current situation.  Some one clears there throat which stops our laughter.

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