It's All Just a Game

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I am so, so, so sorry guys. I know I haven't posted in what seems like forever but I have been extremely busy. I also have a new idea for a book. It'll be a bit different and I'll be posting something on it soon and will be asking for feedback. Without further ado, the chapter.


Deathbringer swore he could see stars as he was hit again. This cycle had been going on for at least a couple hours. The IceWing would ask a question, Deathbringer remains silent, Deathy gets hit. One good thing about assassin training, you no longer feel physical pain. And after the latest punch, the cocky assassin decided to ask the questions. "So, why exactly am I here? I mean I get I'm an awesome bodyguard and am the most handsome dragon you'll ever lay eyes on. But I hate to break it to you, I mean this in no offense, I have no interest in you. Sorry, it had to be said."

The reaction he got was priceless, the IceWing sputtered and couldn't make a coherent sentence. After seemingly regaining his dignity, in Deathbringer's opinion he never had any, the IceWing just hit him again. The punching was rough but nothing the most-amazing assassin in all of Pyrrhia couldn't take.

Though what the IceWing did next was much more painful. The white dragon brought out something Deathbringer didn't want to see, a whip. When the lashes started, Deathy tried not to cry out in pain. It could be worse. The whip wasn't doing too much damage but it still stung.

"You want to know why I'm doing this?" Deathbringer's eyes widened and the question. He nodded slightly. "Good. I'm doing this to get back at your idiotic, no good, lazy, Rainwing you call Queen. She took everything, including my revenge." Deathbringer shook his head softly. "Don't you get it? Queen Glory won't come after me. I am nothing to her."

Even though the memories of the night he confessed rushed through his head, he had to make sure Glory was safe. It was his job, after all. The IceWing looked confused for a moment and then chuckled softly. "Then she won't care if you're dead? Good, that makes this so much easier." Deathbringer didn't have time to prepare and then everything went black once more.


Glory was pacing in her hut. She couldn't get her mind off of her loyal bodyguard who could be dead by now. She had resorted to desperate measures and had sent a letter to the other Dragonets. For the first time, in a while, she actually felt scared for someone else's wellbeing.

But there was something she'd always remember hearing. When the dragon you love dies, you can feel it. You don't have to be there, you just know. With that thought in mind, she tried to get some of her regular tasks done. Glory had recruited more guards, but even with the added protection she didn't feel secure.

The only one who made her feel safe was him. He never left her side, and the one time he did, because she forced him too, he was kidnapped. Of course everyone said it wasn't her fault. But if it wasn't, why did it feel like it was? Glory shook her head and ruff. She had been doing a decent job on keeping her emotions in check. She knew however that the shock would sent it soon.


As he stared at the Nightwing's limp body, he thought about what he said. To him this was all just a game he was playing. No one knew that however, and he intended to keep it that way. "Just you wait, Nightwing. I have so much more in store for you. It's all a game. Survive and thrive, or die." With that he left the cell, chuckling darkly.


And there you guys go. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. My heart hurt while writing. See y'all next time!

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