Chapter 9

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Unknown Number: “My dearest (Y/N), I wanted to say thank you for the lovely evening. It was really incredible and I like you so much and I'd love to see you more often. In that few hours I know you, I can say that you're really special. XX”

I had tears in my eyes and I replied to Sarah:

Me: “Sarah, I have to thank you for noticing me. It still feels like a dream, and I'm afraid I'm waking up any moment. I really like you and it would be awesome if we could meet more. XX”

I sent the message and sent her the picture of my Sally cosplay.

I got a notification from Instagram that Sarah posted a picture. I was curious what she had posted so I immediately opened Instagram. It was the picture of the both of us, but it was that one where I kissed her neck. Nobody who could know me could recognize me, because my face was fully turned to her neck. Underneath the picture she wrote “I think, I found my soulmate. Look, we even have the same pullover ❤️”

Of course her fans asked who the person was and I smiled. There was adrenaline rushing through my veins and I commented “That looks so lovely. I can feel the electricity ❤️”

Sarah replied to my comment and after that I got a message from her. First I read the insta comment “Oh yeah, it was a magic moment 😉❤️”

S🖤: “Thanks for the pic, I'm still speechless how awesome it looks. So since it's Sunday tomorrow and I am free, I thought maybe you would like to hang out? Oh and I will send you the pics immediately. Can you send me the selfie of us too? ❤️” I read the message and the pictures followed.

Me: “Of course 😍 Yours or mine? Wow that sounds really sexually 😅 Yeah I will send you the pic 💋”

I sent her the selfie and waited for her to respond, but instead I got another notification from Instagram.

Sarah posted something in her story and I opened Instagram and said to myself “She didn't” Sarah posted my Sally cosplay in her story and wrote “The best cosplay I ever saw. Doesn't she look amazing”

After that she texted me again.
S🖤: “Yeah it really sounded sexually, but I like that. Yours. I'm dying to see your home 😍 I love the pictures of us. Especially one picture 😏”

Me: “Yeah I think I know which one you mean 😳❤️”

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