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"Hey, Aunt May," says Harley, sitting on Peter's back on the floor, an arm around Peter's neck and a hand over his mouth.

"Hi, Harley." She looks under him at her other squashed nephew who attempts to wave. "Hello, Peter. Do I want to know what's going on here?"

"We aren't allowed in the lab unsupervised anymore so I'm trying to see how long I can pin down spider-boy before he has to use his powers to get up."

"Okay," she says, her eyes crinkling with both confusion and laughter. "Where's Pepper? I thought she had the day off. I picked up groceries."

"She got called into an emergency meeting, I think," Peter says from under Harley's hand. Harley nods.

"Yeah, and Dad went with her. It was really weird. He insisted."

May just nods before putting the things away, but then she freezes. "But Tony hates meetings."

"Yeah," agrees Harley not moving from where he's trying to force his feet into Peter's face without letting thr other boy off the ground. "It's obvious they're hiding something."

"Not for long," murmurs Peter but they both hear him.

"What do you know?" asks May, coming to sit on the couch until the boys are tired enough to stop.

"W-what?" stutters Peter. "Know? Know what? Who knows something? Definitely not me. I don't know anything. Why would I know something? Why? What do you know?"

"Holy shit," Harley says falling off of him. "You're a terrible liar. I feel like you should be better at that. You know, with the whole secret identity thing."

"He's never been any good at lying to family."

"'Specially not you, May."

"Buttering me up isn't going to make me forget, sweetie," she says with a playful smile while she teaches forward to lovingly squeeze his cheeks.

"Ish na my shtory to thell," Peter tries to explain, his face still smushed in May's hand. Sure, he and Harley are a part of this family unit now, but if Pepper and his Dad were keeping it a secret for some reason, then it really isn't his story to tell.

"Fine," she allows, releasing his cheeks from her grip. "As long as it's nothing dangerous."

"Nope," he promises, rubbing his face. "Not this time."

"That's actually very reassuring, sweetie, thank you."

Peter grins at her happily before pushing himself up onto the couch with her so that he can lay his head in her lap. She rolls her eyes but starts running a hand through his curly hair the way she know he likes. She looks over at Harley who is trying not to look too out of place, and pats the seat next to her. There is always room to give more love.

Harley looks between her and Peter a couple of times before making his way over cautiously, but within moments he feels himself melting into her embrace. With his mom back in Tennessee and both of his parents here being busy with all of their work and secretive meetings recently, it's nice to be wrapped up in a motherly embrace like the one May has seemed to have perfected.

"Thanks, Aunt May," he says quietly into her sweater where he'll never admit to being cuddled up at her side. She hums a soft affirmation before moving a hand to run through his hair as well.

Pepper enters not much later with Tony trailing behind her like a lost pup, though he freezes when he sees the position May is in with the boys. He just stops and stares.

"You- you're not allowed to steal my boys from me," he says petulantly.

She raises an eyebrow at him while continuing to run her fingers through both of the sleeping boys hair.

"Our boys. You aren't allowed to steal our boys from me. I said our."

"No one is stealing anything from anyone, Tony, relax," Pepper says from where she's making her way around the kitchen island for a bottle of water from the fridge.

"I'm not stealing anything, Stark. They tired themselves out wrestling each other waiting for you to get back to let them into the lab. Honestly it's been more like babysitting."

The sound of coughing is instantaneous. When May turns around she sees that Tony is already rushing over to help Pepper who apparently choked on the sip of water she'd taken.

"Oh my god, are you okay!?" May hops up from her seat, the 2 sleeping boys knocking heads into each other but not making any other moves to awaken.

"F-fine!" Pepper coughs again before clearing her throat completely. "I'm fine, really. Water went down the wrong way."

"Actually," says Tony looking from Pepper to May and wishing Rhodey were there too, "You have experience raising kids."

"I would like to think so, yes," laughs May."Peter turned out fine at any rate, but I did have Ben there to help."

"So theoretically, you would help us if we needed any help on that front?"

"I do that anyway, Stark. Is this about the adoption, 'cause I already told you—"

"I'm pregnant," Pepper says, cutting off whatever May would have said.

"What?" May rushes forward to wrap Pepper into her arms. "Congratulations! That's amazing!"

"We want you to be the godmother," says Tony quietly. "I'm retired and everything is back to normal, better than normal actually, but we wanted to be sure that if anything ever happens to me, Pep or Rhodey, the little genius would be with someone safe."

"And you thought of me?"

"Of course we did," insists Pepper. "Like you said, Peter turned out okay."

"Damn well better than okay," inputs Tony.

May nods happily, but covers her mouth as she feels the tears start rushing down her cheeks. "I'd be honored to be a godmother to a little Stark. It's about time."

"Morgan," says Pepper as she makes loving eye contact with Tony. "Their name is Morgan."

"Morgan," repeats May. "I love them already."

She doesn't ask if this is what they've been sneaking around about, because she knows Tony well enough by now to know he's just been more protective of Pepper than usual.

Peter was right, she decides. It wasn't anything bad. It was a surprise not a secret, and she supposes that makes all the difference.


hey futher muckers

so...ive been...not here
but i AM trying, and thats what counts

lemme know what yall think about this chappie
i love writing the family dynamics and soft domestic tony, cause he deserves it 😌

love yall 💕
black lives matter ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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