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Peter still can't believe he's sitting across from the Bruce Banner. That he gets to talk to him about himself and his web fluid formula. Sure, Tony is his hero and his father figure, which is a lot in a good way, but Peter's always been more into Biology and Chemistry and he's pretty sure that those are at least 2 of Dr. Banner's many PhD's.

If Peter were younger and hadn't just died a few months ago, he thinks he would feel a lot more embarrassed to be bouncing on his side of the couch like an excited puppy, but he did so he isn't and it's fine.

"—and your report on the effects of radiation on a person's base biology was kind of revolutionary for me."

"Do you mind if I ask about that?" Dr. Banner pauses almost shocked at himself. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. We don't have to talk about it at all," he says backtracking. Peter laughs as he rubs at the back of his neck.

"Theres really not much to tell, you know? When I was like 14, my class had a field trip to Oscorp. I may have gotten lost on my to the bathroom and a spider bit me on my way back. The next day I woke up with this like crazy high fever." Peter doesn't really remember much from being sick but being hot and feeling like he was dying all the time and everything being so loud. "I was sick for like a week and a half! My aunt says I was a mess, but I don't really remember much of it. I just know that when I woke up I didn't need my glasses anymore, I was like 10 times stronger, and I was sticking to like everything. Oh and I was hungry all the time. I'm still kind of hungry all the time. Dad thinks my metabolism is probably as fast as Captain Rogers."

"And what do you think?"

"I don't really know Captain Rogers all that well." He doesn't add how he doesn't want to either.

"He would be a good sparring partner to start with for us to get a gauge on your strength."

"Yeah, Dad was going to ask you to help run a few tests to help figure all that kind of stuff out, whenever you got back. He says you were here before everyone came back, but then you were gone. He missed you."

"He missed you too."

"I know, everyone keeps telling me that."

"And what, you don't believe it?"

"It's kind of hard to tell when I have to see him deal with everyone else being back too." Peter doesn't want Dr. Banner to ask him about why he sounds so upset, so he turns the issue around as best he can. Tries to get them back on the topic of science. "I uh...I have a few of my prototypes for new webs in Dad's lab if you wanted to take a look at the formula."

Dr. Banner is looking at him like he knows something is up and is trying to decide whether or not to say something. It's the look May gets just before she calls him out on his bullshit. It's the look Tony gets when he's had a particularly rough night as Spider-Man and doesn't want May to know. He waits for Dr. Banner to say something, anything, but ultimately the man stands and smiles softly down at him.

"Yeah, let's go join them in the lab. Not sure how much help I'll be with the upgraded fluid when I haven't even seen the originals, but—"

"It's fine! I'm sure I have some of the usual formula at my workstation too. And anything you have to add or you think would work is...well it'd be awesome!" Peter hops up and races towards the elevator to press the button before running back to lift Veronica onto his shoulders. "Forgot Dad said bring the suit."

The ride to the lab is had, thankfully, in comfortable silence and he barely notices the weight of the giant Hulk-Buster armor that he has hefted up.

When they enter, Tony and Harley are both tinkering with things at their own workstations music playing just loud enough to mask the silence as something normal, though it still makes Peter narrow his eyes as he looks between them.

His dad's head snaps up when the door opens and that's how he knows something is up for sure. Then he sees the red eyes, puffy from crying, and he knows they aren't angry at each other, they just both needed a little space. Peter tries to smile even though he knows that his dad can read his face just as well.

"Mr. Dr. Banner says he can help with the web fluid upgrades," he says dragging the huge suit forward. "So where can I drop this lovely lady off?"

"The couch?" Tony says though it sounds more like a question with the way his brows are furrowed as he surveys the room for somewhere to keep her on a more permanent basis. "Yeah, I'll have to designate a room to keep all my extra suits, but the couch is fine for now, Underoos."

"Awesome! Hey, FRIDAY can you pull up my original web fluid formula at my station for Mr. Dr. Banner to look over?"

"Of course, Mini Boss."

"And just Bruce is fine," Dr. Banner clarifies.

"Yes sir, Dr. Bruce, sir."

Peter doesn't see Dr. Banner facepalm, but he hears it as well as his dad's answering chuckle.

"It just means he respects you, Brucey. Don't worry about it. He still calls me Mr. Stark when he gets stressed out."

"I'm working on it! And I mean, I've been doing better!" Peter argues as he comes back over to the group.

"He's working on it, he says," Tony teases, some of his earlier worry and weariness slowly sinking away in the face of teasing family and friendship.

Harley still isn't paying them any attention and Peter wants to ask him whats wrong, but he wonders if maybe this isn't something his brother would want to talk about in front of someone they'd essentially just met. Especially after whatever he and Tony had been dealing with before they'd joined them. He wonders if Harley would even tell him considering how distant he's been acting ever since Tony's stroke and Peter knows that it's mostly his fault. He'd said some things he shouldn't have and he knew that Harley was a little sensitive about the whole family thing...

He walks over to where Harley is working with earbuds in while Dr. Bruce and his Dad parse through the web formulas. Peter taps his shoulder and feels a little bad at the way his brother jumps at the interruption.

Harley looks up in quick surprise before schooling his features and letting out a breath. He takes a moment to look around and reorient himself before looking back at Peter, all while not making eye contact, but popping out one of his earbuds anyway.

"Hey, Pete. What's up?" Harley's smile is fake and Peter knows that it's his fault but that doesn't stop it from hurting. He wonders how long he's been putting his feelings before others and thinks maybe dying and coming back had just brought back all the worst parts, but he drags up the corners of his mouth anyway even if it looks absolutely contrite.

"I— uh...Could we play video games or Legos or something later and talk?"On the edge of his focus he can hear the adults bantering over science and things he hadn't been around for. But he wants Harley to know that he's sorry so his brother has his full attention.

"Whatever," Harley says shrugging, but Peter knows it's as close to a yes as he's going to get and he'll take it.


hey futher muckers

this was supposed to be up like last week but somehow i forgot to post?
im an idiot.
double update cause i fucked up.

these'll be on ao3 after i get out the shower

as always i hope y'all liked it, hut lemme know how we're feeling yeah?

love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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