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Peter and Harley make it through exactly two classes without even seeing a hint of Flash and his goons before they're finally called to the principal's office.

Harley is walking with his hands in his pockets trying to follow the direction of Peter's emotional panic.

"We're dead," Peter gripes. "We are so dead."

"That Flash asshole is going to be dead when Pops sees the size of the bruise on your forehead. Super healing or not, that shit is massive."

"The what..?" Peter reaches a tentative hand to his forehead and sucks a breath in through his teeth when his fingers make contact with the sore spot. "Ow."

"If I didn't know better, Pete, I would think you were a fucking idiot."

"Harley," he whines.

"I'm serious. You go around saving people but you let him push you around? This is a STEM school. We're all fuckin' nerds. He could pick anybody. what reason does he have to bother you? And why the hell do you let him? Don't tell me it really is some misplaced idea of...of I don't know, responsibility or penance or whatever because I will kick your ass myself."

"It's just not worth the drama," Peter explains, shaking his head. "Flash doesn't have the best relationship with his parents, you know? And if he wants to take his anger out on someone, I'd rather it'd be me than one of the other kids who can't take it the same way I can."

"Pete you can't 'take it' if you're walking around covered in scars and bruises. You shouldn't even have to 'take it'. Just tell someone."

Harley is stomping down the hall now. He's not acting as laid back as he was before and Peter can tell that this is a serious topic for his brother even if he doesn't think so, but he isn't sure how else to explain it. He thinks that maybe this is just something they won't agree on.

"It's complicated, I guess," Peter says looking away somewhat guilty.

"What's so complicated about fucking reporting him for bullying?"

"I don't want to put anyone else in danger."

Harley freezes in his tracks and though Peter hears when the thunk, scuff, thunk of his work boots stop, he keeps going until he knows for a fact Harley isn't coming with him. He turns to face the slightly older boy who stares at him with anger and hurt and something else he can't quite describe.

"I don't care about any of these kids, Pete, I just met them. But I know you; I care about you. And I don't want you putting yourself in danger either."

"Harley, I can't—"

"You ever think that he keeps doing this to you because you let him?"

Now it's Peter's turn to freeze. "What?"

"I mean, if he really wanted to bully people, you getting in the way wouldn't stop him, but he left Ned alone. I'm the new kid and he left me alone. Why won't he leave you alone?"

Peter can feel Harley watching him as the realization sets in.

"Because I've shown him I'm an easy target." His voice is quiet but Harley hears him then steps closer and wraps an arm around him, turning so that they're walking back in the direction of the office again.

"But you aren't an easy target, are you, Petey?"

"Please don't call me that."

"That doesn't sound like an answer."

Peter opens his mouth to respond when he hears the unmistakable sound of his dad's suit repulsors.

"Oh shit! Dad's totally going to kill Flash."

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