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Peter's spidey-sense has been blaring at practically everything since the snap and he doesn't know what to do about it. Though usually it helps protect him and keep him on his toes the constant buzzing has prevented him from sensing the very real danger of Flash pushing him into his locker, making his head slam against the metal. A migraine bursts behind his eyes at the sound of the metal clanging against his head and suddenly the lights are too bright.

"Welcome back, Penis!" Flash calls back as he makes his way cackling down the hall with his friends.

Peter rubs the sore spot on the side of his head, groaning, and wonders how everything is so different but still just the same.

He looks up to let Ned and Harley know he's fine, but his brother has already taken off after the bully, his bracelets forming into miniature Iron Man gauntlets and Peter lets out another groan. He can't let Harley get detention on his first day. All of their parental figures would kill them.

"Meet you in class Ned. Gotta go save Flash from IronLad," he says with a roll of his eyes.

He runs without waiting for a response though he can hear Ned's surprised and excited laughter behind him. It's a nice opposition to the sound of Flash screaming as Peter rounds the corner.

"You got a problem with Peter?" Harley says, holding Flash away from the ground and agaist the wall with one gauntlet hand while the other is aimed at his friends who are trying to get the bully down.

"Harley," Peter says once he's taken in the sight, "Put him down."

"Parker! Call off your fucking attack dog!" Flash says panicked. "I was just kidding, you know that. Tell him!"

Peter can still feel the thrumming of his heart in his head from the pain of having his head forced into a metal locker. Harley looks at him like he knows it'd be a lie even if Peter did say it.

"S'this normal for you?"

School hasn't even officially started yet and Peter already wishes it was over so he can go back home and crawl into bed. He heaves a sigh. "C'mon, Harley, just leave him alone."

"Does Pops know?" the blonde says instead.


"Yes or no, Pete."

"Not in so many words."

Harley sends him an unimpressed look but still doesn't move to release Flash.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"He knows something is up, but I told him it was just from...you know."

Harley nods again but still doesn't let Flash go and the other guys have run, most likely to find a teacher.

"So you don't want to beat his ass 'cause of whatever responsibility you think you have and I get that. But I ain't got that same responsibility. Only folks I'm responsible for is you, Ava, and the old man."

Peter doesn't have anything to say to that and Harley knows it. Peter watches in a morbidly curious way as his brother retracts the gauntlet not holding Flash up and punches him square in the face.

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