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Before Peter and Harley even realize it, the summer has come and gone. Not that they had much of one to begin with. Peter was dead and Harley had been working to help their dad through trauma and panic attacks and trying to bring back half the population. It'd been a lot. But now that the idea of classes are looming closer than ever, Peter tenses at the thought of being at school again. They'd been on a trip to MoMA when the aliens attacked. When Thanos had shown up. When Peter had died. He wonders how many of his classmates hadn't made it before realizing he really doesn't want to know.

When he starts poking at his breakfast, Tony decides to step in.

"Don't want eggs today, Pete?"

"Uh, yeah. Not really hungry." His stomach growls in disagreement and Tony raises an eyebrow at him.

"Real convincing, Pinocchio," Harley chimes in from across the table and Pepper sends him a look that has him shutting his mouth but laughing nonetheless.

"What's going on, bud?" Tony says trying not to push him farther than he's willing to go. They've been on eggshells with each other no matter how hard they've tried not to be.


"C'mon, Pete, don't shut me out. Don't go getting into your head. Talk to me, kid." Tony sounds concerned but tentative. It has Peter's mouth twitching upwards into an almost smile before the thoughts are back and Peter has to fight them off again.

"I'm fine," he forces out. He doesn't expect for it to sound as rude as it does, but it has Tony shutting his mouth for a second too long.

"Fine," he repeats unconvinced. He looks down at Peter's barely eaten plate. "Can't take your medicine on an empty stomach, kid, fine or not. That'll just make it worse."

"Maybe I don't want to take it."

"Well that's too bad, it's non-negotiable."


"But nothing. We both need to, but you've been skipping doses. You can't do that, Pete. You have to take your antidepressants." The word sounds harsh on his dad's lips.

Peter knows it's true, hates that it is. He wants to skip another one just because Tony even tried to press harder than usual, because he doesn't want to think about it. He had problems before, but nothing like this. He didn't need to be fucking medicated before all this. He slams his fist on the table so hard he dents the surface and snaps his fork in half.

"I hate this!" He feels angry and different and and and... "I HATE THIS!" he yells louder, tears streaming down his face. He's wrapped in his dad's arms before he can even question it.

"I know, bud. The first few weeks are the worst, I promise." His dad rubs a soothing hand down his back and he breaks.

May had come by on her way to work the previous day to help he and Harley go shopping but now she's at her own place. He's lucky he doesn't have to look her in the eye while he breaks down like this, but he can't bring himself to look at Harley or Pepper either. If he doesn't take the medicine he's going to have to see May later and tell her why, but if he does take it he feels floaty and alone and empty and dead. And he's not ready to die yet. His hands are clawing at his dad's back because the tighter he grips him the harder it'll be for his dad to let him go and he's not ready to go.

"I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go... Dad, please. I don't— I'll calm down on my own please."

"Peter," Tony says, his voice cracking and his grip tightening. "Kiddo, you're all right. I've got you. You're not going anywhere. But you need to take your medicine."

He walks with Peter back towards the table where he picks up his own pill and swallows it dry, sticking his tongue out and showing his empty mouth afterwards.

"Your turn."

Peter looks from his dad back to the table slowly. Sees his pill in a cup sitting next to the plate of breakfast he's barely touched.

"Yeah, okay," he says trying to hype himself up, even with the tear tracks still drying on his face. "Fair is fair."

Peter picks up the small plastic cup, quickly tossing the pill into his mouth and rinsing it down with water then orange juice. His throat bobs as he swallows it down  and he hopes he can keep it up. The first few weeks are the worst. He stands there for a second and his dad pats his back and looks at him expectantly.

"C'mon, open up. Let's see, Pete," Tony says. Peter knows it's not because his dad doesn't trust him, but because he's been acting like such a brat about this. Peter nods and opens his mouth showing that the pill is gone. He lifts his tongue and everything. "Thanks, bambino. Now let's finish breakfast and you and blondie-locks, over there, can get ready to get back into the rest of the world.

Peter glances over at Harley, because they'd built the Tower out of Legos and played video games, but they still weren't on good terms. Harley made a joke or two at his expense and he'd give a small upturn of his lips because the jokes weren't malicious, but they'd never...he'd never even properly apologized even after forcing Harley to hang out with him.

He was a terrible friend, shaping up to be an even worse brother, and he wondered if Pepper would still want him in her child's life. Though he couldn't imagine why she would.

"Pete, don't go getting lost in your head."

"I'm good. I'm right here," Peter says and this time he's almost certain that he means it. He's going to work on being more present. For May and his dad and Harley and Pepper and the child that she's carrying. He's going to be better. He's going to be the Peter they all deserve. His dad looks at him with narrowed eyes and after steeling his resolve, he takes a few bites of toast and finds it easier to crack a smile.


hey futher muckers

update who? consistency where?
we in a pandemic. my inner pan is panicking okay.

jokes aside, i hope everyone is safe and i hope your families are doing well also. please remember to keep up social distancing, if not for yourself than for those who are older, younger or immunocompromised (yes that includes people who are ASTHMATIC and/or DIABETIC. would you really risk someones life cause you dont want to wear a mask or stay home?). the masks aren't just to protect you from getting sick, they're to protect those around you as well.

i know this is tough on everyone, but please be considerate of those around you. we're all going through it. it'll be better if we work together

the next few chaps are the gonna be fluffier and thennnnn...heheh

hope y'all like this chappie
love y'all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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