
585 13 9

     •Y/n L/n (First name) (Last name)
     •N/n (Nickname)

     •H/c (Hair color)
     •H/l (Hair length)

     •E/c (Eye color)

     •152 cm


          •Feels other peoples emotions. Due to this quirk the wilder doesn't feel their own emotions, but it can be fixed.
     •Read Memories~
          •Can see the memories of others. Because of this quirk the memories, of the person who has this quirk, are faded and blurred.
     •Spell Manipulation~
          •What ever the wilder of this quirk says, to anything, will happen. If they say "burn", the person or object that they said it to will burn.

     •Headaches, pass out

●View of Heroes
     •You don't really care, you're emotionless. You only liked heroes if they do it to save people. Not for money or fame. Kinda like Stain but you still don't really care, it's more of an "I look up to this hero because they save people" than what Shigaraki wants you to think, "All heroes suck and deserve to die".

     •As a young child you didn't know about your quirks. You didn't know what they were or how to control them. You didn't feel emotions and your past is all blurry. Once taken by the villains, and having smiled for the first time, they went to see what your quriks were. The doctors said it was because of two of your 2 quirks. They were called Empathy and Read Memories. You didn't remember anything that happened to your real parents. The only thing you were told was "They died by your hands" and "You were ment to become one of us". That's all the villains told you. And you gained your last quirk, as the villains called it.

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