Chapter 6, USJ

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Your POV

"You got the information you needed, right?" You asked, making some breakfast for you and Shigaraki.

"Yeah. We'll be there right around the time you enter the building. Remember to attack us, just not hurt us to much" Shigaraki said.

"Yeah. I would be the one healing you up anyways" You responded, handing him some breakfast.

"Well, I'm off. See you soon Handyman" You said walking to the door.

"Oh, yeah" You added, tossing him a phone, "Use this to tell me when you're ready. Try not to disintegrate it".

"Sure..." He grumbled.

"See ya!" You yelled running out the door.

You ran as far as you could. You were a bit away from UA when you ran out of energy. A flash of someone's past happened.

"Midoriya?" You asked, turning around to see if you saw the boy.

"Not... here" You added, when you turned around to see the boy wasn't there.

"I need to get my quirks straightened out" You mumbled.

Time Skip

You were texting Shigaraki saying you were on your way to the USJ.

"If we're taking strong quirks I would say Bakugo, Todoroki, and L/n" Tsu said.

"Huh? What about me?" You asked, from the other side of the bus.

"You're quirk is probably the best quirk you could have" Kirishima responded.

"My quirk has major downsides though. Depending on how big the object is, and what I say, I could use up a lot of energy. And I'm emotionless from my other quirk" You said, turning your phone off and hiding it.

"I'm honestly surprised I didn't pass out after I blew up the Zero Pointer, then gathered it into a pile" You added.

"Your draw back is passing out?" Kaminari asked.

"Or a headache. I did get one after the Entrance Exam, but it wasn't that bad" You mumbled, looking out the window.

"You're amazing L/n!" Kaminari yelled.

You smiled "Thanks Kaminari".

"You smiled!" Half the class yelled

Your smile went away and you looked at your classmates. A tear randomly went down your face and you wiped it away.

"Who's sad?" You asked.

No body responded.

"Someone near by maybe?" Kirishima asked.

"Maybe..." You mumbled.

You looked out the window again and saw the USJ.

'Shigaraki you better be ready' You thought.

Everyone got off the bus, you following. You looked at your hand and mumbled "see the future".

(Future sight)

You were shot in the heart... By one of the villains. You looked back to see Aizawa, and smiled.

(Future sight ended)

You walked up next to Kaminari and grabbed his hand. Kaminari looked at you confused with a red tint on his cheeks.

"Hey... If anything happens to me... Thanks for everything" You mumbled, looking down.

"L/n-" He started.

"Oh my All-Might! It's the pro hero No. Thirteen!" Midoriya yelled.

You let go of Kaminari's hand and walked with the rest of the group. You weren't paying attention til a black mist wrapped around you and you heard several people yell your name.

You then appeared next to Shigaraki, who put his hand to the back of your neck, keeping one finger off.

"Why hello" You mumbled.

"We are the League of Villains" Kurogiri said, standing behind the other students.

You looked at Aizawa and shook your head the best you could, telling him to stay still.

"Huh... I thought All Might was supposed to be here" A league member mumbled.

You glanced and all the villains, seeing the one that shot you in your vision, then at your classmates.

"Explosion!" You yelled.

As you yelled the whole floor around you blew up, making Shigaraki let you go. You ran up to the students and turned around to look at the league once you were next to Aizawa.

'Should have told me a god damn plan Shitaraki' You thought.

Then all the students were teleported somewhere else, leaving you and Aizawa with the rest of the league.

"Aizawa... Don't let them take me..." You mumbled, only loud enough for you to hear.

"Aizawa~sensei! Erase my quirk til I say so!" You yelled, running to the league.

"You'll be killed!" He yelled back.

"Trust me!" You yelled.

He erased your quirk, causing you to scream, but you kept running til you were close enough.

"Now!" You screamed throught the pain, he quickly erased your quirk.

"Sonic Scream!" You yelled, really loud cracking some of the glass on the USJ building.

Kaminari's POV

Everyone heard the loud screaming of L/n. Then it got louder and louder, causing everyone to plug their ears. I looked at the villains to see them plugging their ears as well.

'She's gaining us time! I thought.

Your POV

"Teleport!" You yelled, causing a ton of villains, who were by your classmates, to appear next to you.


You stopped and turned around, smiling. Seeing Aizawa staring at you.

"It's alright" You mumbled, then fell to the floor, eyes closed.

What's happening...

This is your mind!

My... Mind?

Yep! I'm the voice in your head!

You don't exist

I do! Everyone has one!

I don't get it... Why did the villain shoot me?

Shigaraki's orders.  He wanted you to get hurt to make you being the traitor less believable.

I'm not a traitor

Say that to your heart

A picture appeared in your mind. One of Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero smiling.

A traitor lies to their friends. A traitor pretends to fall in love.

Love... Ah. That's what this is about. Me incapable of having feelings.

Yes. I'd give them back but I can't. You have to do that yourself. And not with Aizawa's quirk. Yes, his quirk gives you your feelings but only the bad ones.

This is my end... I can feel my heart stopping.

It's restarting. Kaminari is using his quirk to bring you back.


To be continued!

Final Word Count:986

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