Chapter 3, A day with Pikachu

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Your POV

You were on your way home after your first day. Kaminari and Kirishima offered to walk you home but you declined. After all, if they saw you were living with villains, you would be dead meat.

"Hey, *sniffle* I'm back" You said oping the door.

"Ah! Shigaraki! Kurogiri! She's crying!" Twice yelled.

He ran up to you and hugged you.

"Who's emotions did you read? Who do I have to kill?" Shigaraki said running in the room, then falling face first.

"It was my fault. *Sniffle* I asked the pro hero Eraserhead to erase my quirk to see what would happen" You stated.

"And... You're now sad from it... He still can't be erasing your quirk" Kurogiri said.

"That's what *sniffle* confuses me..." You replied.

"We'll talk about this later... Go get changed and take a nap kid" Shigaraki told you.

You nodded and Twice let you go. You walked to your room and got changed. (The pic above. You can change the color) You looked on your phone to see a new message.


???:Hey, This is Kaminari. Hope you don't mind but I stole your phone and put your number in my phone. Btw you should put a password on it.

*Name changed to Pikachu*

You:What did you see Pikachu?

Pikachu:I didn't look through your phone. I only saw your backgrounds and your contacts. I don't remember them thou. Also thanks for the nickname cutie~

You:You know, you could have just asked. I would have gave you my number.

Pikachu:Really!? Wow! A cute girl like you would have gave me your number?! You must be falling for me!

You:1. Flirting through text doesn't work. 2. I don't feel emotions so how could I fall for you?

Pikachu:You... You have a good point

You:Points* Also... Please never just walk up to me and grab my hand... It was strange.

Pikachu:Hey. I calmed you down.

You:Fine... How about I repay you. Want to go to the arcade? It seems like something you would like. I'll pay for food and most of your games.

Pikachu:No~ A date works the other way~ The guy pays not the girl~

You:Bold of you to assume my gender

Pikachu:Why you do this to me... For being emotionless you have good comebacks

You:I learned it from my care taker

Pikachu:Alright, meet me at the arcade by UA in 20 minutes.


You got up and grabbed your wallet. You walked out into the bar and saw Shigaraki cleaning up dust.

"Another glass?" You asked.

"Yeah! And Kurogiri is making me clean it!" Shigaraki yelled.

"Well, I'm going out. I'll be back later tonight" You said.

"Oh~ Does our little kid have a date?" Twice asked.

"You couldn't get a date if you tried!" Twice added.

"No. I owe someone something" You said as you walked out the door.

Time Skip

"Hey! L/n!" Someone yelled.

You looked up ahead to see Kaminari. You saw a flash of younger him but shook it off and ran up to him.

"Remember... This is my treat and not a date" You said.

"Fine... But we can still have fun!" Kaminari cheered happily.

You read his emotions and smiled at him. He looked at you shocked, but then started doing a goofy smile.

"Come on Pikachu" You said walking into the arcade.

Kaminari followed after you and you both got some strange stares.

"What game do you want to play first?" You asked.

"How about a racing game. We can vs. each other!" He suggested happily.

"Sure" You said.

You and Kaminari found a racing game. It had two fake motorcycles. You got on one while Kaminari got on the other.

"Ready?" You asked.

Kaminari nodded.

You put the coins in and started. You saw Kaminari getting ahead, so you put your hand infront of his eyes.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Kaminari winned like a child.

You quickly got ahead and took your hand off his face then passed the finish line.

"No fair~ I would have won" Kaminari groaned.

"Sucks to suck Pikachu" You said.

You had fun with Kaminari for the rest of the day. You felt bad feeling emotions based on his, but there was one you didn't understand...

To be Continued!

Final word count=712

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