Chapter 5, Shigaraki's Plan

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From this point I haven't seen the episodes. I read some of the manga though, so I'll be going more off of the manga than what it says in the anime

Your POV

You looked at your partner, Sato. "Your quirk?" You asked.

"Huh? My quirk?" Sato replied.

"It's called Sugar Rush. Correct?" You asked.

"Yes" He answered.

"How should we do this? My quirk basically lets me do anything to any object or person... So should I just make the other team freeze when I see them?" I asked.

"That sounds like a great plan" He said smiling.

"You're happy" You said.

"Yeah. We're almost guaranteed to win because of your quirk" Sato replied.

"I guess you're right" You mumbled.

You started walking to where you assumed the "bomb" was, Sato following you. Both people were most likely to stay by the bomb.

"Since everyone knows my quirk, they will most likely go for defence" You said looking at a building.

"Now all we need to do is find the bomb" Sato said.

"Up there" You said pointing at a building "Their emotions led me to them".

With the rest of the class

"How did she find the bomb so quickly?" Mineta asked.

"Her quirk allows her to read emotions. The closer she is, the more strong they get. That's what I assume" Yaoyorozu replied.

"Her quirks are really powerful. Her parents had to have been heros with those types of quirks" Kirishima said.

"Yeah. They had to have been" Kaminari added.

'L/n... That name sounds familiar... Why can't I remember.' All Might thought.

Everyone looked at the screens to see you walking up, hands in pockets which you found on your outfit, to the bomb. Mina and Aoyama frozen in place.

Your POV

You walked up to the bomb and touched it, unfreezing the male and female. You walked away from everyone and went to the class. When you got there Kaminari and Kirishima ran up to you.

"You're so cool!" They yelled in unison.

"Huh?" You asked, tilting your head.

"I don't understand" You added.

"It's a compliment" A guy, with a tape helmet, said.

"A compliment? The thing you say to be nice to someone?" You asked.

The three in front of you nodded. The guy with the helmet took it off.

"L/n F/n" You said, sticking a hand out to the boy.

"Sero Hanta" He replied, shaking your hand.

"Nice meeting you. Even though I don't have emotions" You said.

The boy didn't reply. He was looking behind you. You turned around to see the angry hedgehog from the first round.

"How the fuck did you do that!!!" He yelled, grabbing the collar of your hero outfit.

"Do what?" You asked emotionless.

"I think he means your quirk, L/n" Kirishima said.

"Shut it, Shitty Hair!!!" The angry blonde yelled.

"You're mad... At me?" You asked the blonde, after reading his emotions.

"Hell yeah I am!" He yelled.

"Bakugo let her go. Class is done and we have to change" Kaminari said.

"Oh. You're Bakugo Katsuki. Second place in the Entrance Exam and you were attacked by that slug villain" You stated, pretending not to know who he was.

He just growled at you. He let you go and wallked away.

"That was... Shocking" Kaminari said having electricity come from his palm.

You tilted your head. "Shock... -ing?" You asked.

"It's a pun" Sero replied.

"I don't get it... I'm going to go change" You said starting to walk away.

Time Skip

"So... we're going to the USJ for hero training in two days?" You asked Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero.

"Yeah. It's going to help us for rescue training" Kirishima responded.

"Aizawa, Thirteen, and All Might are coming to help I believe" Sero added.

"Being trained by three heroes. Imagine how much we'll learn!" Kaminari stated.

"Three heroes..." You mumbled.

'This could be our chance to kill All Might. With the Nomu it would be easier. Plus I'm sure Shigaraki already knows that All Might is our teacher...' You thought.

"Earth to L/n?" Kaminari said waving a hand in front of your face.

"Hm? What?" You asked.

"Your quirks. Are your parents heroes? Did they retire?" He asked.

"Oh. I don't remember my parents. My whole past, except a few memories, is all a blur. I don't even remember what they looked like" You said starting to cry.

"Ah! S-Sorry!" Kaminari panicked.

"L/n? You feel sad? But... Who's causing it?" Sero asked.

"It's been happening ever since I asked Aizawa~sensei to erase my quirk" You said, wiping away your tears.

Time Skip

"What do you think will happen... When the Mighty Symbol of Peace... Is finally killed by the villans" Shigaraki said.

"We win... The world turns chaotic... What else would happen?" You asked, sitting on the bar.

"Funny L/n!" Twice laughed.

"Oh! Shut up for once!" Twice yelled after.

"Oh, yeah. All Might is coming to the USJ with us. We're going soon. I think in two days. Also, what's up with my hero costume design? Who drew it?" You asked, looking at all the members who were present.

"I believe it was Shigaraki" Kurogiri replied.

"Why did yo-" You were interrupted.

"I have a plan. Since the press knows All Might is teaching there, then they'll ask the students about him. We could stage that the press got in and get information about him. Then we can be prepared for the USJ" Shigaraki said.

"Smart. I'll make sure the way to the office is clear" You said getting up to go to bed.

To be Continued

Final word count=945

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