The Villains

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First we have your favorite villain, Shigaraki. He treated you like his child, surprisingly. You basically grew up with his likes and dislikes. Yes, you can't feel emotions, but you liked to play video games with him and you didn't like heroes that much.

Flashback (Two weeks ago)

You were sitting at the bar, or villain hideout. You were behind the bar organizing everything, in alphabetical order.

You suddenly saw a flash of someone's past. "Oh, hello Shigaraki" You said still organizing.

"For someone who doesn't have emotions, I swear you must have OCD for keeping things in alphabetical order" Shigaraki remarked.

"It would make Kurogiri's job quicker. He would be able to find things easier" You replied.

Shigaraki grumbled something mean, but you let it slide. You finally finished organizing and turned to face the older male.

"Well, usually you don't come out of your room when it's just me up. Not to mention it's about 1 in the morning. So, what do you need?" You asked.

"I just couldn't sleep..." He responded.

"Want something to drink? And talk about your nightmare?" You asked.

"What? How did y-" He started.

"I could feel your emotions... They were pretty strong, so it must have been bad" You interrupted.

"Fine..." He grumbled.

He sat at the bar and nodded at you. You grabbed his favourite drink and poured it in a cup then handed it to him.

"You shouldn't be getting me a drink though... You're 14" Shigaraki said.

"We're villains Mr. Handyman. We break the law" You said using the nickname you used to call him when you were younger.

"Stop with the nickname" He grumbled.

"Just tell me about your dream" You responded.

"The 2nd to last bottle is in the wrong place" He said ignoring your last statement.

"I can tell if I had emotions I would be mad or... what was it? Irritated? Yeah that one" You said turning around to fix it.

Shigaraki did his rare laugh.

Flashback End

Then we had Kurogiri. Your mother figure. He taught you almost everything you knew since you weren't aloud to go to a normal school.

Flashback (8 years ago)

"This is how it goes" Kurogiri said pointing at a math problem.

"I don't get it Kuro..." You mumbled.

"Heh. You'll understand at some point, you just have to try harder" He responded.

"What's the point?" You said pushing away the paper.

"Come on. You can't get angry at it, so at least try" He mumbled.

"Fine" You replied grabbing the sheet again.

You finished the problem and handed it to the male. "Here" You said.

"Nice job. You got it" He complemented.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yes" He responded.

You could tell he was proud of you because of his emotions. You smiled.

"Shigaraki! She's smiling!" Kurogiri yelled.

"What!!!" Shigaraki yelled back.

You then heard a loud bang. You took it Shigaraki fell.

Flashback End

That was the first time you ever smiled. That's when you went to figure out your quirks. Knowing you now had at least two. Empathy and Spell Manipulation.

The rest of your past is really a blur. You remember only a few memories with each member of the league. The memory with All for One was the most painful...

Flashback (10 years ago)

"Shigaraki, look over there" A male voice said.

"Dead... Dead... Dead..." You kept mumbling.

"A child?" Another male said.

"You okay?" The first male asked.

You stayed silent, turning to face the two voices.

There was a man who looked to be about 20. He had blue hair and he had a few hands on him. Then the other male was a misty figure.

"Jeez... I hate children" The blue haired man said, walking closer to you.

"Burn!" You yelled.

The man's sleeves then started on fire. He looked at you in shock then patted the fire out.

"Kurogiri... Should we take this one?" The blue haired man asked the other.

"She could be useful..." The other replied.

"What's your name child? Mine is Shigaraki Tomura" The blue haired man said.

"I don't know it..." You said emotionless.

"Hm... Shigaraki, doesn't she look like the missing child from that family. Didn't they say the young girl was never found and was presumed the murderer" The misty man said.

"She does... The hair, eyes, even hight is the same... Does your name happen to be something like L/n Y/n?" Shigaraki said.

"I think so... Why Mr... Handyman?" You asked.

You heard the misty man chuckle. Shigaraki swated at him and told him to shut up.

"Come with us. You killed your parents by your own hands... You should come to be free of the guilt" Shigaraki said.

You nodded and got up. You followed the two men to your soon to be home.

Flashback End

That was the first thing you could remember.

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