•Chapter 1•

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A/n: I feel like this is gonna be one of the best stories I've written bc I'm working hard rn

But yeah I'm updating bc I feel like it (and bc Jessica told me/asked me too, ily Jessicaaaaa)

Okkk, enough of me talking lmao, onward to the story!!

(This will be/is edited)


Louis is tired. He is dog tired because of two reasons

1) being in school for seven hours, this shit is tough

2) Zayn.

Zayn fucking Malik.

Louis hated Zayn with every bone in his body. Zayn treats him like a piece of meat

Just because he wears girls clothes.

Speaking of Zayn Malik, just as Louis was walking out of his home ec class, Zayn and his fucking dunderhead friends come stomping down the halls, shouting and laughing.

Until Zayn makes eye contact with Louis.

Louis' heartbeat started to pick up. He had only two options:

A) try to make a run for it(he has no athletic abilities whatsoever)

B) just take the beating

Louis tried the first option.

It didn't end well. Let's just say Louis walked home with a bruised lip and a scratch  on his left arm.

It's a good thing he has concealer.


The next morning, in homeroom, which was art class, Louis was sitting quietly doing his class work when he heard his teacher, Ms.Voss, clap her hands to get everybody's attention.

"Alright, class settle down! We have a new student today, come on in dear, introduce yourself." Ms.Voss says with a small smile on her wrinkly face.

In walked the most gorgeous boy Louis had ever seen.

He was tall, lanky and had a head full of curls. Louis could imagine gripping a hand full of that hair and pulling it and yanking it, but he was startled out of his day dream when the beautiful boy started to speak.

"Em..my name's Harry Styles, I'm 18 and I just moved here from Cheshire..."

His voice was deep, Louis noted. And he talked really slow, like /really/ slow. Louis doesn't know what it is, but he is some what intrigued by his voice.

"Ah, how nice Harry. Why don't you take a seat next to Mr. Tomlinson in the back? Louis, raise your hand so Mr. Styles knows where you are."

Louis automatically raises his right hand

And Harry makes eye contact with him.

Louis nearly fainted. Because he had green eyes.

God damn, Louis was a sucker for green eyes. Louis watches as Harry's lanky form walks; more like strides over and sits in the seat next to him.

Louis spends the rest of the period fidgeting with his red sun dress and his nimble fingers.


It was the end of the day, and Louis was so happy.

You know why?

Because Harry spoke to him. Like actually looked at him and spoke to him!

Louis was on cloud nine right now.

He practically skipped home he was so joyful.

Maybe Louis even got his number out of it too.


Woo! Another update!!

Did ya'll like it? Sorry it was short, I'm sure the chapters will get longer as the story progresses!

I'm gonna try and update as much as possible.

I'll have an update schedule and everything

But anyways, I love you all and pls don't forget to comment, vote and all that mess!!

ilyasm~ Dekayla <3

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