Chapter 2

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Despite our efforts the tension was still very strong so I didn't speak much but I did make sure to smile and nod along.

*RING* Finally the bell. On our way out, I noticed a lot of the students were staring. They were probably confused seeing all of the elites together because before today, none of us would have even spared a glance at each other.

 As we made our way outside we said our goodbyes and parted ways. I had Chase and Griffin follow me. I park a distance away from the school so that I don't have to deal with people.

"Sorry it's a bit of a walk to my car" -E.

 "It's no problem,"- C

 We walked to my car in silence. As we approached it, I heard a gasp.

"This is your car?"-G

I had a blue, 1965 mustang convertible. I nodded.

"This is what I spent my award money on"-E

We all got in the car and, thankfully, It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. The ride was actually nice and relaxed. I was shocked to find out we lived on the same street though. We really don't know anything about each other and we've been this close this whole time, geez. Chase said his goodbyes as he stepped out of my car and waved us off leaving me and Griffin alone. 

"Thanks for helping me out today, in the classroom"-E

"Don't worry about it, but did you seriously not know we had a class together?"-G

"I seriously didn't know, I'm sorry. What class did we have together?"

"Science and math for the past two years"-G

"oh shit, two years? I really have to start looking up more"-E

We both chuckled as I pulled up in front of his house.

"Uh, would you maybe wanna join me to get stuff for the trip tomorrow?" -G 

I was slightly put off by his invitation since I barely know the guy so I thought about it for a minute before agreeing to go. 

"Sure, maybe we can invite some of the others too.''-E 

Griffin smiled, "Yah that would be great, I'll text them tonight. We can take my mom's van, pick you up around noonish?". 

I nodded as I noticed he lived only two houses away from mine.

 "See you tomorrow, I'll text you my address"-E  

He waved, "See you". 

I drove home and went straight to my room. My dad was on a trip so it was just me again. It's been like this for my whole life so I really didn't mind it much. The peace and quiet helped me get my work done faster. The rest of my evening was spent munching on food and reading.

The next day

Luckily I woke up at 10 this morning because I looked like a mess. Usually I don't bother with my appearance since the only people who see me are kids from school, but now I have to go out in public so I have to care. I washed up and changed into a cute outfit. I ate some breakfast and read while I waited for Griffin to pick me up. I sent him my address last night. At around 12:30 I got a knock on my door. When I opened it, I expected to just see Griffin but I was surprised by all the guys. 

"oh , hey" -E

"Can I use your bathroom please"- Elmo 

I opened the door wider and pointed to it. 

"Wanna come in, I have to go grab shoes" -E  

They all nodded and made their way in as I made my way down to my room, I live in the basement. When I came out I saw that Elmo was out and everyone was waiting for me.

"Ready?" - A said while giving me look over.

I nodded and we made our way out. They let me sit up front with Griffin which made me really happy, because I didn't want to be squished between all those guys in the back. I smiled over at Griffin as he buckled up. 

"I wasn't expecting all of them to come" -E.

 "Me either, but the more the merrier right" -G

I nodded and pointed to the radio. He got what I meant and turned it on. Me and Griff are gonna be great friends, I can tell. 

Thankfully, the trip to the mall was short because the awkward silence was suffocating. You'd think being stuck in car together that we'd at least attempt to speak to each other but no one said anything except for Griff and I but that was only small talk.

"So meet at the food court in an hour?" -Elmo asked.

 We all nodded as we started walking  into the mall. I'm glad we're separating, I don't think I can handle any more tension. As I began walking off, I was startled by Griffin putting his arm over my shoulder causing me to look at him warily.

 "I need someone to help me pick out outfits and I choose you cause I like you more than the guys and you're nicer than them" -G 

I rolled my eyes while giving him a shy smile and shrugged his arm off. 

"Okay, as long as you help me out too, I have no idea what to wear" -E 

"Woo, let's get started"-G

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the first clothing shop he saw. I don't shop much so I needed all the help I could get from Griffin and there was a lot I needed since I'm pretty sure I have no summer clothes appropriate for the public.

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