Chapter 12

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(Sorry for the wait)

I'm pretty sure we we're all surprised to have found out that we had to spend the next week together preparing for graduation. We never left each others side during any of the practice times. I figured we'd run into each other now and then and give a little awkward smile or wave but no, Stevens stuck us together every second we were at school. 

After the first day of being with each other the awkward tension faded which was relieving. I'm glad we were forced to spend more time together, it was nice and hanging out with them made my last days of high school incredibly fun. 

There wasn't a moment were we weren't laughing or smiling. It was really relaxing to have  more of a break with people I actually liked before I was off to New York. I decided to take the job offer with the Newspaper, they're giving me my own page to write whatever I want. It's an opportunity I can't miss. 

Being with them was a bliss and I have to be honest, a little extra time with Anthony wasn't anything to complain about. We decided to still keep it lowkey though, it was a lot of fun sneaking around with each other. I was trying very hard not to get attached, I didn't want it to hurt once we went our separate ways. 

*Graduation Day*

The day has finally come to say goodbye to the only thing I've known for the past four years and I'm utterly terrified of what's gonna happen next. Adulthood wasn't going to be easy especially in a place as big as New York. I'm not ready to say my real goodbye to the guys  

Right now we were all seated in the football weight room waited for our special farewell from the school. Stevens wanted us to get recognition for all that we've done. I wasn't looking forward to it, I don't like feeling judged and I know as soon as we get up on that stage everyone was going to be judging. 

Anthony and Griffin both noticed my discomfort and grabbed my hands, I was sitting between them. I smiled at them gratefully. 

"Are you guys ready for this" Noen asked with a nervous smile on his face.

"Ready as I'll ever be" Jayden said while the rest of us shrugged and nodded.

We all weren't fond of the spotlight I guess. As I looked at the guys while they were talking and joking around, I felt at peace, like this was the best place to be. 

"You guys excited for grad night tomorrow" I asked.

"Heck yah, we're totally going on the tea cups first" Griff smiled while squeezing my hand.

"No shit, that's like the best ride there" Jayden agreed

We decided to all go together since we don't really know anyone else. None of us were going to go at first but after talking about we figured why not have one last fun night together before we all ship off to wherever we are going.

I couldn't help but laugh at the boys' love for the teacup ride. Don't get me wrong they were definitely right, it was just funny seeing them get all hyped about it.

For the remainder of our time in the room we talked about Disneyland and what we were looking forward to there. I was extremely excited about getting a churro. 

"Hey, you guys are up" a teacher said gesturing for us to head out.

So the awkwardness begins. We had to stand on that stage for like thirty minutes while Mr. Stevens and other staff members talked about us. They gave us each a box filled with our awards and an extra award for being exemplary students. 

When they were talking I examined the other kids in the crowed, they probably hated us at that moment for extending the boring ceremony. I didn't even know that we had that many seniors at our school. 

After he finally finished, he began handing out our diplomas starting with us since we were already up there. Luckily that didn't take that long and we were able to get out of there fast. I was starving and I couldn't wait to get some food in my belly. We were all going to go grab dinner together with our families. I was happy my dad made the effort to be there and go out with us.

I had a blast at dinner with them and their families but meeting Anthony's parents were a little nerve-racking due to our weird relationship, I felt guilty about hiding whatever we were from them but it was okay. 

After dinner, we drove up to the cabin site and the hill and hung out for a bit. It was calming a bit of a break from the world, like it was when we first went up there. When we got back down I dropped off some of the guys while Griff dropped off the others. Anthony spent the night at my house. I had to sneak him into my room, I felt rebellious. It was a great way to end the night.

*Grad night day*

Anthony and I got up around 10ish and got ready for the day. We packed our bag with what we would need for the day and made out in the two hours that we had before needing to head out, We had to be there before one and we were gonna grab some food. My dad had to leave early this morning for a business thing so I didn't have to sneak Anthony out, fortunately. 

We picked up Griff and Chase on our way to the school. When we got there, we met up with Elmo, Noen, and Jayden before making our way to the buses. Since we turned in our stuff so late we got to be on the last bus with only a few other people so it was a smooth ride, filled with singing and jokes. 

When we got to Disney we hopped off the bus and stood in front of the entrance.

"Let the fun begin" I said while smiling at them before grabbing Anthony and Griffs hand and rushing to the front. The rest of them jokingly grabbed on too so that we were all connected.

This was gonna be an epic day.

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