Chapter 14

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*A few days later*

I haven't seen any of the guys since grad night but we have been texting everyday. Today my dad is dropping me off at the airport for New York. I'm actually really excited to go. I mean going straight to work instead of college is freaking awesome. Plus, it would be a great distraction from not being able to see the guys.

*knock knock*

"Come in", I said while I zipped up my last suitcase.

"Hey kiddo, you ready to go?" my dad asked.

I nodded while I grabbed my bag. He came in and grabbed the rest of my bags. He's made an effort to spend more time with me these past few days. It has been nice, kind of awkward at times but it felt good to have time with him before I left.

Once we got to the airport he walked me inside and we said our goodbyes. We both cried a bit, it was fantastic. As I got to my waiting area by where my plane was boarding, I saw Noen and Jaden talking.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here" I asked confused.

"We're going to New York for school. What are you doing here?" Noen asked

"I'm going to New York to write in the New York Times" I replied.

"It looks like we're not the only ones going" Jayden said while nodding his head at something behind me causing me to turn around.

"Guys? Are you guys going to New York too?" I asked.

"Yep" they replied.

"Holy shit, I can't believe we all are going to the same place" Anthony said while pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms tight around him.

"Me either" Griff said while hugging me from behind making me laugh.

The rest of the guys added on. This is awesome. I was so scared of not having anyone to talk to and now I get to keep all my friends. I'm so happy I could cry but I won't cause I ain't no bitch and cause I put on mascara.

"So what are you guys going to New York for?" I asked while pulling away from the group.

"I'm going to Juilliard to study music" -J

"I'm going to the Art of intuitive photography"-A

"I'm playing football at Syracuse University"-E

"I'm gonna continue my studies in history at Berkeley"-N

"NYU, they have a good science program"-G

"I'm also going to Berkeley, it's nice to know I'll have a friend there" Chase said while smiling at Noen.

"Yah, it really is" Noen added returning the smile.

Even though we might not be neighbors, at least we're all in the same city. Just knowing that made me feel giddy and excited.

"We'll have to schedule visits with each other after we all get our schedules together" Griff said.

We all nodded. "All passengers boarding flight number" -

"That's us" I smiled while grabbing my bag.

"It's really cool that we ended up together" Elmo  said as we waited in line to board.

"It really is" Jayden added as we boarded.

We settled into our seats and got comfy while making small talk.

"Everyone please fasten your seatbelts for take off" the flight attendant said.

"It's crazy that this all started with a lowkey forced friendship in a cabin in the middle of nowhere" Noen said

"Yah, It's so weird. I can't even imagine my life without you guys in it now" Griff added

"Me either", Elmo said.

"It's great though, cause now we get to spend at least the next 4-6 years with each other" Anthony said while smiling down at me.

"And we thought we'd never see each other again" I smirked as the plane began to move, refencing what was said, or not said, during truth or dare in the cabin. "Now the fun really begins"

With that we were off to start our new lives in New York!

The End

*Authors note*

Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting on this story. I appreciate it all so much and I'm really glad you guys are liking it. If you have any advice you can give me or notice any flaws in this please be free to comment on it or message me. I'll take criticism, good or bad. This is still under editing so I apologize for grammatical errors.

Thank you all once again, writing this has been so much fun. Look out for a sequel, possibly coming soon.

Enjoy lovelies <3

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