Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry, I thought he would come later" Griff said while walking into the room. 

"Wait, you knew he was coming? Why didn't you warn me?"-E

"I was gonna after I left, I didn't expect him to come right now. So what happened?"-G

"He kissed me, twice, and called me his right before he left"-I smiled, I couldn't stop the blush from creeping it's way onto my cheeks.

"My planned work" Griff announced excitingly. 

"What plan?" -E

"I stole his phone so you guys could have some alone time, I asked Noen to have Anthony see you guys holding hands, and the whole bed thing in my room. I was trying to push him to make a move and it worked." he smirked.

"I guess it did, thanks" I replied yawning, "Let's talk more in the morning, I'm tired"

"Sure, I'm gonna head back to my room. See you tomorrow. -He said walking towards the door.

"Goodnight" I smiled at him before he shut the door.

What a night.  As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

*The next day*

I woke up covered in sweat. I felt disgusting and uncomfortable. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 8 in the morning, too early to be awake. I trudged out of bed towards my bathroom to get ready for the day before heading downstairs.

All the guys were sitting in the lounge room enjoying the cool air. The downstairs had air conditioning. 

"Hey guys" I said sitting down between Anthony and Griff. 

"Hey" and good morning" were thrown out. 

"So Elmo and I was thinking we all should hang out in here today"-J

"Sounds better than going outside" -N

"What did you have planned?" -C

"Well, since were all here for different things, we thought we should all do each others interest"-Elmo

"I'm not following" -A

"So like all of us would do photography, then we'd write a poem, etc." -J

"Oh, that sounds fun!" -E

"Let's stick our names in a hat and see what we're doing first" -E

He left to get paper and hat. This should be exciting. 

(the next bit is gonna have the Name and then what the group did.)

Jaden: Karaoke

I suck at singing but this was hilarious. Jaden tried taking it serious and was teaching us the proper way of singing and showing us different styles.  the guys weren't as bad as me but I wouldn't pay to go see them, that's for sure.

Noen: Debate

I actually was pretty surprised that we did well with the debate. We're all pretty smart so I wasn't expecting a drastic lost or anything but I didn't expect a close match. We made a realistic set up with buttons and everything. Noen was the question guy and his questions were great. He made some funny ones and we had a blast.

Chase: Math meet

I failed this big time and so did some of the boys. Every time we'd get one wrong chase would try and correct us but eventually gave up once he realized that we're morons. It was funny watching him get disappointed with us since it was "so easy". I was pretty confused the  whole time.

Anthony: photography 

He had use our phones cause he didn't want to go up and grab his camera. He showed us the best angles to use and the different effects that certain lighting has. He made us all pose and be a model for everyone. We all took pictures together too. It was super cool and helpful because now I can  take pictures to match my writings.

Griffin: Chemistry 

We made stuff blow up. We went outside and worked with some stuff he found in the kitchen. We put whatever substance we had into a soda bottle and then watched it go boom. I was so scared I was gonna get hit. It took me a few tries to get it right. All the guys were making it point at each other and it was so thrilling.

Elmo: Football

Now this was fun. We, of course, played two hand touch but promised to be gentle so that no one got hurt. I got to be a receiver which was really fun but extremely tiring. Elmo looked like a pro zooming passed everyone. I'm pretty sure that was most of our first time seeing him in action because for a minute we all just stood there and watched him. I regret not going to one of his games.

Emma: Short story

These guys are real jokesters I swear.  Every single one of their stories caused us to go into a laughing fit. They were about aliens taking over and pizza being a king or something. It was some crazy random stuff.

(end of fun)

This whole day was a day well spent. We all got to know each other a bit more and we actually connected. Till this day, I had no Idea how talented and hardworking these guys are. I would never be able to do what they do. 

"Whew, what a great day" -C said causing us to laugh a bit.

"It really was, I'm glad we did this" said Elmo smiling at us

"Me too" I added.

"How about we all get cleaned up and out of these sticky clothes, then come down and make dinner together" -J

"Sounds like the plan, mighty man" Griff said as he got up. 

The rest of the night was spent talking about today's events and hanging out. We all decided on having a movie night/ sleepover in the lounge room since it was still pretty hot upstairs.

Out of the Friday nights I've had during my high school years, this is the best one.

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