Chapter 5

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Griff and I hung out in my room for a bit before deciding to see I the others wanted to hang out. We made our way to the lounge room to see of any of them have came out of their rooms yet and to my surprise, they all were out here.

"Hey, look who decided to join the group" Noen said attracting the attention of the rest of the group.

"You guys were gone for like an hour, where'd you guys go?" -Elmo

"We were hanging out in Emma's room" Griff said.

"Yah, we were talking" I added.

"Yah talking" Anthony said sarcastically causing the guys to laugh. 

I rolled my eyes and pulled Griff to the couch with me to sit. 

"So, what were you guys doing" -E

"We were just hanging out, thinking of stuff do" -J

"I was thinking about checking out the archery spot" -E

"I'll join you" -G 

I smiled at him as we got up. 

"Wait, I'll go to" Anthony said shooting out of his seat. "And so will Chase".

Chase and Anthony shared an intense look before Chase nodded. Boys are weird. 

"How about we all just go" Griffin said glancing around.

They all shrugged and got up. We made our way outside and looked around for a sign that tells us where archery might be. 

"Found it" Elmo exclaimed as he pointed to some target boards. 

We walked up to it and picked up a bow. 

"So does anyone even know how to do this" -A

"I do" I said. "I have a bow and target at home"

"Wow, I had no Idea you did anything other than read"-Elmo

"You wanna learn or not" -E 

They all nodded

I helped them all get familiar with the bow and showed them how to shoot before working with them individually. I'm not gonna lie, I was scared, very scared, of getting hit with an arrow by these boys. Elmo almost hit me Twice and I don't think Noen ever really understood how to hold the bow. 

I was working with Anthony when an arrow flew past head. 

"I quit. That's like the third time I almost died." I said while dropping the bow and walking off.

"Emma, wait" -G

I flipped them off and kept going. It was getting hot anyway. I didn't think they'd be that bad at it. Seriously, how hard is it to freaking aim. 

I got some water from the kitchen and went to my room thinking about how dumb those boys are. Just let go where you look, It's not that hard. 

Just as I was about to go change, there was a knock on the door.

"If it's not Griff, Go away" - I said as I entered my closet to change.

I heard my door open, so I grabbed a shirt and made my way out assuming it was just Griff out there but when I came out, they were all there. 

I was standing there, shirtless, in front of six teenage boys. Fuck. I turned around and hurriedly put my shirt on.

 "What do you guys want" -E

"We came to apologize for almost killing you" Anthony said while the rest nodded obviously staring at my boobs.

"Forgiven, just please be careful next time" I told them.

When they didn't make any effort to avert their eyes from my chest, I rolled my eyes.

"Guys, Is there anything else you wanna tell me" I asked. 

They shook their heads no. "Then leave" 

That seemed to get them out of whatever trance they were in and they got up. Anthony came up to me. 

"We really are sorry" -A

"I know" I said while giving him a soft smile. "I'll see you later"

He nodded and left. Elmo paused at the door and looked like he wanted to say something but then he shook his head and left. Odd

"That was a nice show earlier" -G

"Haha, I wasn't expecting them to be in here , a little warning would have been nice"-E

"How was I suppose to know you'd come out shirtless"-G

"Whatever" I said "What do you wanna do now?"

"It's already 6, wanna make some dinner" -G

"I can never say no to food, let's go" -E

We went into the kitchen to see what there was to cook. There was a lot of options. 

"What do you wanna eat" -E


"Sounds good, should we make the others some too"-E

"Yeah, too be nice."-G

We made enough for everyone and  then went to get them. Griff went to get Noen, Elmo, Chase, and Jaden and I went to get Anthony

*knock knock*

"Come in"-A

I walked in and saw him laying on his bed shirtless. He got up and grabbed a shirt to put on.

"Sorry, I thought it was Griffin" -A

"It's cool, I guess it makes us even" I laughed out. "Griff and I made burgers, if you want some"

"Sounds great, I'll be down in a minute" -A

"Cool" I said as I walk out. I bumped into Griff as I was walking down. 

"They said they'll be down in a minute" -G

"So did Anthony. I walked in on him shirtless" I said looking up at him. "and may I just say, It was a pleasant sight"

"Oh, tell me more" Griff said jokingly. "If you want a picture, I could get you one"

"Picture of what, I could take it instead" Anthony said glancing at us.

Griff and I faced each other with wide eyes.

"Uh, a picture of the view from my balcony" I replied hoping it was convincing enough. 

"Why would Griff take it if it's in your room" Anthony asked as we entered the kitchen.

"I'm hungry" -E

"Me too" -G "Want to eat in the lounge room and put a movie on"

"Yah, that sounds nice" -E

"You guys know that changing the subject only makes you more suspicious"-A

Griff and I nodded and made our way to the lounge room.

"Makes what more suspicious" Noen asked as the rest of the gang entered the room.

"What Emma want's a picture of" -A

"What do you want a picture of"-J

"Don't worry about it, can we please drop it and eat"-E

"Fine, for now" -A

I rolled my eyes and left the room. I sat next to Griffin on the couch. 

"Next time I won't say anything" -E

"Or just save it for the bedroom" -G

"Save what for the bedroom" -C

"Our love for one another" -G

"Griffin!" -E

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