Chapter Four: Could Be Good

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After giving Keith some time alone, Shiro walked after him. Lance was going to follow, but decided to give them some time alone.

When Shiro found him, Keith was sitting by himself against a random hospital wall, his legs tucked in so he wouldn't be tripping anybody walking by. Shiro sat next to him.

"Are you okay?"

Keith sighed, staring at the floor, and nodded, "I just don't understand why she would keep things like her health a secret from me. I'm her friend, her teammate-"

"Keith, calm down," Shiro advised, and Keith grit is teeth in return. He felt a boiling anger, but it was all coming out of fear. What if something happens to her, like it gets worse, or she... or she passes...

"Keith, Allura is going to be all right," Shiro assured, "She's a strong fighter. Like us. I have no doubt in my mind-"

"Yes, you do," Keith interrupted. "You have doubts. Cancer isn't easy to deal with, Shiro. What kind of cancer does she have, anyway? A tumor? Ovarian?"

Shiro looked to the side, thinking of how to reply, when he saw Lance walking their way with slow, sad strides. Lance quietly put his back against the wall on the other side of Keith, and slid down with a stoopy motion.

"Why are you here?" Keith asked angrily.

"Because Allura is my friend and she deserves to be with her friends right now," Lance replied, seeming less interested in drama right now.

Keith shook his head, but didn't say anything. He had too many thoughts to say them out loud at once. He just hopes Lance won't make him explode.

"Look," Lance started. "I know the circumstances are great, but I think that... for Allura, we all can become friends?"

"How is that for Allura? No way would I want to be friends with you." Keith hissed.

Shiro put a hand on Keith's shoulder, recognizing the tension rising, "Maybe Lance is right, Keith. Allura would like us all to get along. She'd be happy to know that we're all here for her, and each other."

Keith brooded. He wishes he was living in an ideal reality, but he wasn't. One of his best friend's in the hospital for cancer, and the school f*ckboy is asking to be his friend--and he's deciding to accept the request. Definitely not a perfect paradise.

"Fine," Keith grumbles. "But don't think I want to."

With that, Keith stands up against the wall, and walks back into Allura's room alone. Lance and Shiro give each other long looks of sympathy and understanding, and then follow in suit.

Maybe this could be good, Keith thinks. But he doubts it.

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