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June 13th

For some reason today of all days the air conditioner decides to clonk out in the diner and the weather had decided to join in. Creeping up to almost forty degrees out side not even the most basic of metal fans they had dotted round the diner was enough to give any form of decent cold air. That was unless you stood in front of it for a few minutes or just gave up and threw a piece of ice down your bra. Sweat dripped from Harper's forehead as she continually tried to wipe it away not want to disgust the customers even though everyone was feeling the affects of the heat.

Standing in front of the fan they had at the front of the restaurant breathing in all of its semi cold breeze. Taking a deep breathe she took the tray of cake and tea to table five which resided in the hottest corner of the diner. God knows why they didn't just order an iced coffee or smoothie was beyond Harper. It was too hot to think let alone drink or eat something with any remote bit of warmth in it. Tugging at the collar of her shirt hoping some more air would circulate but obviously it did nothing and made her more flustered.

"You got the hots for somebody Harp?" Quinn asks sipping on her chocolate milkshake clearly taking full advantage of it being her break.

"NO. Have you not felt how hot it is in here." Harper replies taking a sip of her water before heading over to table five. Trying to focus on anything that wasn't how hot it was but it was pretty darn hard.

Heading back into the kitchen she thought a moment in the chiller might do her good as she searched for the whipped cream to add to a kids triple decker ice cream sundae they had ordered. As soon as she opened the chiller door the cold air punched her like the most refreshing drink you ever darn tasted and Harper felt better for a moment until her body got used to the cool and she felt as hot as she did previously.

"Harp you do realise the chiller is for food not people ... well I guess for dark angels its the same thing. "Quinn shouts through the door and Harper bites the inside of her mouth to try and stop herself from shouting

"has Finnegan Ridley tried to eat you yet or do you both just get off to being bad?." Quinn continues

Harper flings the door to the chiller open her wings in full span as her eyes shine a bright gold anger radiating out of her skin.

"Just Shut the fuck up Quinn. You know nothing about my life. Heck you don't even actually like me. You are just friends with me as you know I will be nice enough to slip you a few of my tips when you don't make that much. Well hate to break it to you Quinn but today is the day Harper Marie Clancy is no longer going to be pushed around by people like you." Harper states as she slams down the can of whipped cream exploding it everywhere in her rage.

The cream covering both her and Quinn which Casper was not best pleased with shouting at the two of them to clean up the mess as best as they possibly could. Since there is nothing worse than warm cream sat out especially in this heat. The two glared at each other as Harper let out the breathe she had some how been holding in biting the inside of her gums to try and calm herself down.

Thinking about if Finnegan was here and not residing in his house with all the windows shut to keep out not only the heat but the sunshine in general he would be laughing his head off. She would probably get a slow intimidating clap as his jet black eyes pierced into hers smiling at her. Telling her that he knew she had it in her to stop being a push over. But one thing Harper found strange that usually when she even so much as thought about repaying the person she hurt with a sweet treat she felt nothing. Was this what it felt like to be selfish you don't feel guilty for being selfish. Harper thought she could get used to this , no wonder Finnegan loved it so much.

Finding a piece of kitchen roll she began to clear the cream out of her hair grimacing at the smell it was already exuding which just reminded her of rotting eggs mixed with white vinegar. Almost gagging as her hand fell into a large lump that lay in her pony tail. Throwing the towel almost instantly , using nearly a whole roll to clear not just herself but the table around her. Casper warned her not to get the other can from the chiller and that he was going to deal with all food she could just serve it. Since the diner didn't need to fork out any more money than they already were for the air conditioner unit replacement.

"Careful Harper. Being selfish doesn't suit you. If I knew any better its because you're spending too much time with those dark angels. You're a pure angel not just a good one. Keep it that way if I were you." Quinn warns throwing her paper towel in the bin as she picks up a plate of potatoes and eggs that Casper had just finished cooking up taking it to the diner bar just outside the kitchen.

Harper took a deep breathe trying to calm herself down her eyes going back to their normal blue colour as her wings returned to their normal size. Maybe she wasn't ever a pure angel it just took someone to show her how to become selfish to actually realise that it didn't kill her even if her days were numbered hanging out with Finnegan. he was most likely going to kill her it was just in the nature of being a dark angel. Heck they would even kill their own offspring without a care since dark angels are born with feeling. They live how they like with no one to stop them. Above the law if you will and maybe just maybe Harper was beginning to realise why there was more chaotic bad angels than there were angels like her.

"Momma please don't kill me for straying." Harper whispers fixing her name tag which had turned to the left slightly as she cleaned herself off.

The tip of the largest feather on her right wing turned black at the bottom as she walked out of the diner kitchen. As , if she had accidentally burnt it on the cooker but she was sure she hadn't she would have know as it would have made a horrible hissing sound and flames would have erupted behind her. Wiping it to get rid of the ash on her wing to clean it back to the gold tips she usually had.

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