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It was around 3 pm when I last saw my mate and now it's 6 pm. We had stopped a few times while driving but we we're finally at my grandparents. The house was an old red brick house that my Grandfather had made himself. It was a built on a large 30 acre forested area and the closest neighbor was almost 2 miles away and the closest hospital was 20 miles. This is where my family would come to turn in there wolves. As children we only ever shift every 6 years and then after our 18th birthday we are able to transform whenever we want. My next shift is actually in 3 months but unfortunately that is a few weeks after I start college. I just hope nothing happens.

I was taken out of my thoughts when the car stooped  in front of the house and I saw my grandparents walk out onto the porch to meet us.

I got out of the car looking around seeing some of my little cousins running around near the forest and their dad's truck parked near the car park to the left of the house.

"Nancy! Drew!" My grandfather yelled while waving and walking towards us.

"Dad!" My father yelled back with a happy grin on his face.

I was still depressed and tried from what happened over the past two days so I walked past my dad and grandfather as they hugged.

"Honey? What's the matter?" My grandma asked in concern.

"It nothing Grammy." I said in a tired voice and the hugged her in greeting.

"How are you?"

Well I'm fine, but your grandpa's health is a little on the down with his hearing and smell going." My grandma said with a sad tone. All I did was nod my head as I didn't know what to say.

We then walked into the house where I sat down on the couch and my grandma went into the kitchen and got me something to drink.

"So how long are y'all staying?" Granny asked as she walked back into the living the room.

"Oh? Did dad not tell you? I'll be staying until my college orientation" I said confused.

"Oh, well okay." My grandma said without judgment. "You packed enough for until then right?"


Just then my dad, grandpa, cousins, and my uncle came in from outside all in spare clothes except for my little cousins who were still in their wolf forms. Obviously my dad uncle and grandpa had shifted in order for their wolves to greet each other.

"Hey, little bit. What are you doing here?" My uncle asked.

"I'm staying until I start college." I said "How has Romulus and Remus's first turn going?"

"Oh it's going great but Remus did have a little trouble shifting." My uncle said.

"Oh well that's no good." I said as Remus and Romulus jumped up onto the couch to greet me.

"Hi kiddos!" I said as they started licking my face "Are y'all ready for bed?" The two started yipping with excitement as I got up and started heading up stairs.

I gave the twins a bath and I got them into bed where they curled up together. Once I saw that they were asleep I went down stairs to get my things but I stooped at the last step and then I heard my father talking.

"... Her mate is a low class vampire and an omega no less. That girl is a waste for my beautiful purebred alpha daughter. The only reason she was in my home was because her family had to greet us." My father said with conviction and disgust. My grandfather grunted in agreement.

"Well then it was the best decision to bring her here." My uncle said.

I walked out to the car, my mind blank, I grabbed my thing and went back up stairs where I went to sleep only I couldn't fall asleep I just kept thinking about my mate and my family's idea that we will never be together and my chest and stomach ached once again.

If y'all want longer chapters then please leave a comment but for now I'm trying to just do one page a day but 🤷‍♀️

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