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A/N- sorry I took such a long break without warning but I might change my upload schedule to maybe every other day.

Is this hell?

I was down there for 5 days. Or at least what felt like 5 days. There was no natural light so I had to assume from my internal clock.

During that time my father came down every morning, bringing with him a video of Laura smiling and looking at the camera which I had taken when we first started hanging out and a machine that would cause my body to convulse in pain every time my father would touch a certain button.

Today was no different. I was awakened by my father heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. I haven't been able to look him in the eye for very long but every so often I would look past his chin and see a look of disgust.

Over the last few days my father hadn't said a thing but today, once he stoped right in front of me he said "you know," he pushed in frustration "you know you could have just ignored her and mated one of the suiters I set up for you and none of this would have happened."

I couldn't tell if was ignorant of the fact that I was dying during the periodic which my connection was severed from Laura.

"Now you've left me no choice, that poor girl will have to be murdered and we'll just have to get you back to normal. Back when you listened to me and your mother." My father said, his words as cold as ice. "I never thought you would turn on us like this. You were truly always an obedient child."

I was shaking at that point and my wolf was at the back of my mind wanting so badly to take over and rip my father to shreds. However she couldn't and I just had to deal with it because my dad was almost 3 times my size and was capable of shifting when he wanted. I was no match.

My father continued to talk to me but I zoned out not listening as started to put the electrodes where they needed to go. But I was able to pick up a few words here and there such as war and little mate which my father spat out in disgust.

Once he was done placing the probes, he got out the projector and started playing the video.

I tried to look away, but just like all of the other times, my father cam over to the chains that were holding me back and tightened the one on my neck and hands so I was forced to look.

I had tried to close my eyes once before but my father just got out a contraption that kept them open and it almost crushed my eye when I seized during that session. But I've learned my lesson, and I'll just have to bare it.

As I watched the video, I deeply missed Laura and I longed for her to break through the basement door but I know that that will never happen and it's just a hopeless dream.

I watched as the video was about to end and I heard my father click the button and then my world went dark.

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