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Oof, sorry.

It was really hard to open my eyes.  I felt warm and comfortable but the light in the room was disturbing my peace.

My eyes fluttered open and for a second I panicked not knowing where I was and then I smelled my mate's scent all around me and I snuggled closer grasping on to anything I could not want to let go.

And then I heard a squeaky gasp and my mate lurching forward some causing my hand to unlatch and slip out of her shirt.

It took me a few seconds of my mate glaring at me with a red face that almost matched her hair for me to realize what had happened. My face became hot too and I quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, I must have done it in my sleep." At that point I was almost in tears until I heard Laura laugh and lean back on her elbows.

"You know you sure do a lot of things when your unconscious." She said referring to me shifting in my sleep.

I quickly wrapped the comforter around me even more embarrassed.

"Stoooop." I said.

"Alright. Alright." She laid leaning up with her had reaching out to caress my face, and the she kissed me on the lips.

It was a small peck and nothing more but it held a deep love and admiration.

Once she was done she opened her eyes and we stared at each other for a few minutes.

She then slowly trailed her hand down to my hip over the blanket and held it there for a few seconds. The entire time she was looking at her hand and after a moment her eyes shot back up to mine and she had a shit eating grin on her face.

"No ..." I just barely got the syllable out of my mouth before she started to tickle me.

I broke out into high picked scream of giggles as I tried to get away. The comforter slipped away which gave her more room to pin me to the bed and tickle me more.

"Stop! Stop!" I yelled in between giggles and after a second she did and then flopped down on top of me. We both payed there out of breath, panting, and trying to catch it.

Then I heard it.

"I love you."  Laura said.  Breathlessly as she laid a kiss on my shoulder.

We both froze letting the words sink in.

I rolled over with her still on top of me. I grabbed her face and looked into her eyes.

"Do you mean it?" I asked seriously.

She looked worried and started to panic.

"Well I don't know. Well I do but like we've only really known known each other for about 3 weeks but every time I think about you I can't get you out of my head and I want to be with you 24/7." She said clutching my hand that was on my face and nuzzling it.

"I feel the same." I said with tears in my eyes. "I love you."

I pressed my lips to hers, and we sat there kissing. Her in my lap. Our hands gliding over each other. And our hearts reaching out for the other.

Right then and there I knew I would fight for her. I wouldn't let anyone take her away. Not my parents. Not anyone.

And I would put my life at risk to keep what we had.

Here's today's update

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