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Dorm life

Day in. Day out. The same thing everyday. it's been  four weeks since freshman orientation and one since I started my first day of college. The pain in my chest and in my stomach was still there and along with my runny nose and watery eyes I now had a cough. Although I'm used to it by now it still bothers me from time to time.

Since the time I moved into the dorms I haven't really seen much of my roommate since we're both fairly busy but today she asked me if I wanted to go with her to a flower shop on campus so she could send her sick mother an arrangement.

I had a class in the morning and after finishing up my notes and asking the teacher a question I headed out to meet up with Genn at the book store a few blocks away.

It was a brisk morning with lots of people heading in their own direction. I made my way to the bookstore where I saw Genn with two drinks and two pastries. I had already eaten this morning but I wouldn't turn down the offer to eat again.

"Hey!" Genn yelled excitedly waving. "How was you're lecture?" She said quitter as I got to the table.

"It was fine but I was confused by some of the math but I was able to clear it up with the professor."

"Well that's good."  She said handing me my food and drink as I sat down.

"So besides the flower shop is there anywhere else you want to go today?" she asked as I was almost done eating.

I took a sip of the got chocolate that was more so warm now and responded "Sorry, I have to study for the test tomorrow and I should really start once we get back from the flower shop."

"Oh that's no fun, but I understand." She said with a pout which made me smile.

"I mean maybe we can hang out on the weekend." I half asked.

"Yeah maybe." She said in a sad tone. "Well are you ready to go?" She asked and spirit picking back up.

"Yeah let me throw this away and we can go." I said as I stood up to throw away our trash.

We walked the 20 minutes to get to the flower shop but since it was nice out we didn't have much trouble and since we hadn't really seen each other all week we had some catching up to do.

"Welcome to Rosie's florist shop how may I help you today." Chimed the most angelic voice when we opened the door to the flower shop.

"Hey Genn do you mind if I go talk with the employee real quick?" I asked desperately as my wolf tried to take over.

"Yeah go ahead?" Genn asked confused as she saw the desperation and sadness in my eyes.

"Thanks." I said as I made my way over to my vampire.

"How have you been?" I asked as I bent down to lean on the counter.

"Uhm good?" She said confused. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Do you not removed me?" I said dumb founded and mouth agape.

"Do you not feel the bond? We are mates." I said in hurt tone.

My beautiful mate's eyes grew wide as she finally realized what was happening.

"Listen I cant really talk right now but here's my number." She said as she gotten down the 10 digit number down on piece of paper. "Text me tonight and we can talk then." She said with a rumbling cough at the end of her sentence.

"Okay, but what is your name?" I Asked.

"It's Laura," she said "what's yours?"

"Nancy." I said breathlessly as I grabbed for the piece of paper and brushing her hand.

"Hey Nancy are you done?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah I'll be right there." I said as I struggled to pull my eyes away from my mate. Laura.

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