Chapter 15

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I be making big rewrites

"Zoro if you don't chill your ass out, you're gonna get put out."

"I don't see a problem marking what's mine."

Kenjii shoved Zoro away from him and pulled the covers over his body, using his feet to kick at the wolf beside him.

"Oi that hurts!" Zoro growled.

Kenjii only stuck his tongue out at him, playfully mocking his boyfriend.

Zoro grumbled and made another attempt at getting in Kenjii's space. This time, Kenjii didn't kick him away, letting the wolf pull him into his muscled arms.

The blissful warmth almost put Kenjii back to sleep, but he heard pots and pans clanking downstairs.

'Lina must be cooking breakfast' he thought, snuggling comfortably into Zoro's warmth.

Kenjii was slowly falling back to sleep when he felt Zoro's hands sneaking down his back.

He reached up and flicked the wolf's nose, "No funny business for you."

Zoro growled and his hands retreated, the wolf slightly pouting at Kenjii in annoyance.

"Don't give me that look." Kenjii smirked and gave Zoro a peck on the lips.

Lina was busy cooking pancakes when she heard a light thud and a giggle come from upstairs. Her face reddened when she thoughts about what the two were doing up there, alone together.

She decided that if those two were going to sit and play around then they can eat their food cold and fixed her plate and left in a hurry, especially when she heard a loud moan.


"Zoro you moron! I thought I told you no funny business!" Kenjii pouted up at his boyfriend as they walked down the stairs together.

Zoro smirked back at him, "Setting rules just makes me wanna break them."

"Oh really? I hope you like getting put out." Kenjii smiled victoriously.

"Oh please, you wouldn't put me out."

"I never said I wouldn't." Kenjii quirked an eyebrow.

When they made to the kitchen the two saw the cold pancakes waiting on the stove.

"See look what you did Zoro! The pancakes are fucking cold!"

The wolf looked away scratching his neck.

In a disclosed location-

"Why haven't the targets been disposed of already, slave?! I gave you a simple task!"

A man's voice boomed throughout the room, frightening many servants.

Sitting in a large chair was a huge man that towered over others even though he was seated. In front of him sat the figure in chains.

"I'll ask again, slave, why haven't you completed your task?"

The figure coughed, a loud rasp echoing across the room before he finally spoke, "One of the targets proves to be a problem, master."

The large man leaned forward, his face anything but happy, "And so this stopped you from completing your task? Cut the bullshit. Your skills are more than worthy of killing all three of them."

The figure stayed silent, knowing what punishment he would receive.

"Looks like I have to do shit myself as usual, take him to my bedchambers, I'll deal with him when come back."

The guards nodded, "Understood."

The figure sat limp as the guards dragged him away, whatever sparks in his eyes dying at his masters words.
His thoughts roamed to the werewolf and his human boyfriend, to the freedom that he couldn't have.

'Someone save me from this hell hole.'


Kenjii lounged on the couch like a fat cat, amused at how Zoro couldn't work a simple TV remote. The wolf had been at it for hours, pressing every button but the big red power button at the top.

Zoro growled as he couldn't get the TV to turn on for the last time and sauntered over to his smirking boyfriend.

"What's wrong Zoro? Giving up?" Kenjii giggled.

"S-shut up! I just need a little help." Zoro grumbled, poking his lip out.

Kenjii gave him another sly smirk before taking the remote and pressing the big red button.

The TV came on without any trouble, and Zoro's face turned red from embarrassment.

"Don't tell me you don't know how to work simple devices." Kenjii jabbed.

Before Zoro could snap at his lover, the lights shut off and the TV went black.

A confused Lina marched out of her room with her phone flashlight.

"What the hell?!" She huffed.

Kenjii shrugged, "It must be the fuse box in the back. I'll go check it."

"No need, you are all about to die."

"Who the fuck?!" Kenjii whipped out his phone flashlight, searching for the owner of the voice.

"It's futile to resist, scum, just die like you're supposed to."

"Okay listen here, buddy, you better find some type of way to turn my fucking power back on, you don't pay damned bills here, got that?" Kenjii frowned.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?"

"I'm talking to you, you mythical bitch."

A ripple cut through the air in front of Kenjii and a huge man appeared. He wore a pink suit with a rose in one of the pockets, had dark slicked back hair, and was over seven feet tall.

"Well shit, what did your goddamn parents feed your giant ass?" Kenjii tilted his head up, trying to get a good look at the man's face.

"That's none of your concern, rodent." The man scoffed.

"So we're name calling now? How cute. Did your mommy teach you?" Kenjii smirked.

Lina pulled Kenjii back while Zoro stepped in the man's way, separating him from his boyfriend.

"Kenjii, I don't know what's going on, but this guy's dangerous, we should get out of here." Lina whispered.

"And let this fucker do what he wants?! Not on my house! I pay too many bills!" Kenjii angrily whispered back.

"No, Kenjii wait!"

It was too late, Kenjii was already sprinting past Zoro with a deadly gleam in his eyes.

Welp guys so much for that double update, see you next time~

My doggu is a Werewolf! (Werewolf!Zoro x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now