Chapter 18

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We corona now my bois. I've been dead a long time lmfaoo.

It was well past midnight, the moon illuminating two people in the living room. Zoro stood before the poorly restrained man with a glare. The man glared back, neither man looking away.

"How interesting you came to see me without your little lover, mutt." The man in a suit grinned wickedly, "especially when he's asleep now."

"I don't have time for your damn games, you will tell me what I need to know, or I'll simply dispose of you. You deserve it after what you put my mate through." Zoro growled venomously, itching to tear the man to pieces for daring to step foot in his territory, along with threatening his mate. He wasn't walking away unscathed.

"Already calling him your mate, how cute. It isn't everyday a werewolf takes a liking to a human of all things, especially an alpha who belongs at the very top such as yourself. Such an interesting predicament." The man said human in such a way that he made it seem like an insult, which made Zoro narrow his eye and level the man with a dangerous stare.

"I already told you, I won't be joining in on any plans you may have, and it's pathetic to think that I may change my mind if you waltz in here like the egotistical bastard you are." Zoro's voice wasn't loud, but it was teeming with the threat of death.

"Oh, you won't? Whatever will you do when you supposed mate's human body goes through the changes the last werewolf's human mate did? What will you do when it kills him, the same way it killed the last?" The man cackled, knowing he was right, "I hope you haven't forgotten what happens to a human's body when they become mates of magical creatures such as ourselves. Our magic shapes their body to be compatible with ours, and there isn't anything to stop it unless the creature kills themselves."

Zoro said nothing, but he knew it was true. He had already started noticing slight changes to Kenjii's body. His scent was more profound and it was dangerously tempting. Zoro had been holding himself back for a long while after the last and first time he and Kenjii had been intimate. He regretted not fully claiming him and he was paying the price.

"You know I'm right, this is why I've come in person. After all, I'm not a dumbass, I'm trying to save you from the inevitable fate of the few others before you. Join me, and we'll be unstoppable, I have the perfect omega for you who is everything you need. That pathetic human isn't capable of helping you reach your true potential as the Alpha." The man snickered. Zoro didn't move, instead he smiled grimly, catching the man off guard.

"I don't recall asking you to stick your nose in my business. You should be grateful I haven't skinned you alive. What I do with my mate is none of your damn business. I know you can free yourself, go ahead and leave. Just a reminder though, I'll have no qualms killing you if you step foot in my territory again." Zoro's eerie calmness worked wonders to back up his threat. He knew if the other male had stayed longer he'd have went on a rampage to end him. He hated the stench of the male's scent permeating the living room, and it made him want to hurt something.

The man tore off his constraints and stood, brushing the dust off of him with a grunt. Zoro watched his every move quietly, ready to attack at any moment if needed. With another devilish smirk, the man turned and disappeared into smoke and never appeared again.

Zoro relaxed after several moments, making his scent stronger so that he could rid his territory of the unwanted stench. He didn't think he could go back to bed with Kenjii, the thought of his mate had him wanting to take him so that he could claim him at last.

The wolf's body quivered with want, and Zoro knew that he wouldn't be able to control himself as he was now, especially with the full moon coming in a matter of a day.

He didn't want to leave Kenjii alone, but he also didn't want his mate to notice that something was amiss, given that he had a keen instinct to know when someone was bullshitting. With that thought, Zoro smirked as he unlocked the front door and left, making sure to lock it with the spare key hidden under the doormat.

He took off into the woods, letting out an eerie howl that would scare the socks off of children.

My doggu is a Werewolf! (Werewolf!Zoro x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now