Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

That night, I had a dream.

It was a stormy day. I was over the grey clouds which were flashing with lightning.

"Mariangela." I heard a voice call from above. Curiously, I looked above.

There was a clearing. Was that heaven? No.

There was a guy on the sunlight.

"Lord Zeus." I tried to bow but my body didn't respond.

"I am your father." It kind of reminded me of Star Wars where Darth Vader told Luke that he was his father.

The scene changed. I was somewhere in the woods of camp. Then, I was beside a man which I can't describe because it was really dark.

In front of us was a very big tree and a dragon. It's body was spiralled up on the trunk. And there was a golden cloth on the branches.

"Give me the poison, Caleb." The man asked with a mischievous voice like he was planning something. The guy -who I think was Caleb- gave a bucket to the man.

I wanted to say 'Stop!' but my voice didn't work.

"Salem, distract the dragon and Nathan, get the fleece." All of the guys went to their position and the man started pouring green liquid to the tree. The dragon was running after Salem while Nathan jumped so high and got the fleece.

"Yes! Revenge. It feels good!" The man said.

Then I opened my eyes. I blinked once more and all of the blur became clear.

I looked at the window and saw that it was already morning. Nobody was in this cabin so I uncovered myself from the blankets and stood up.


As I was already wearing a casual attire, I went to where the campers gathered.

Chiron(in centaur form) was announcing something while Dionysus, was sitting beside him, playing with a grape vine.

"-our camp is dying. Somebody poisoned the tree again and stole the fleece." I remembered my dream.

"WHAT! NOT AGAIN!" Percy complained.

I stepped forward and told about my dream about the guy who poisoned the tree.

"Okay. You'll lead this quest." Chiron said quickly.

I prostested,"What? But-" He raised his hand for me to stop. I crossed my arms saying,"Fine."

"You must go to Rachel. Quick." He said. I gave him a questioning look like: Who da hell is Rachel? or Why do I need to go to her?

He must've read my thoughts since he said,"Rachel is the new oracle. You need to hear your prophecy."

"Yes, she's in Toronto.. right?" Percy said.

Chiron nodded saying,"That's why you need a ride. There's already a van assigned for you guys."

"I want you to come, Mariangela."

"We're going with her." Percy and Annabeth said in unison.

"Me too." Nico di Angelo stepped forward. I blushed.

"Okay." The centaur said. "You're going to leave at sunrise tomorrow."

"Now, you guys go back to your training." Chiron said and everybody scattered around.

Annabeth went up to me saying,"Remember that you have archery training --care of Apollo cabin."

I sighed in exasperation.

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