Blindfolded (NSFW)

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This one was also an attempt to write detailed NSFW... failed yet again. Also cause those characters were based off me and my ex haha... the story was still good tho

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Sex was a good way to relax after a hard day of work… or days of work. And she had been stressing way too much these past days. Even though she didn’t show it, he could feel it. The tension was in the air when they met, and whenever he’d try to talk to her, she was spacing out and thinking of something else. It bothered him, and it pained him to feel her being so stressed, and he couldn’t do anything about it. But today, that was gonna change.

“So Nami, how was your day?”, Shiina asked her as he sat down in a chair, in the cabin that they in the forest nearby. It was a bit run-down, but together they rebuild it in their own way. It was really comfy, and they kept it clean as well.
But when Shiina asked Nanami, she didn’t react again. He sighed to himself. “Nanami.” her ears flicked upwards and she looked at him, tilting her head. “Hm? Yes?”
“I asked you something.”
“Oh… I’m sorry… I was… thinking.”, she said, her ears dropping down again. “You’re always thinking”, he began, “thinking about your duties.” Looking at him, she was kind of surprised. “H-how do you know? I never told you.” While she was looking at him, he got up and walked towards her. “I can sense it, remember?”
Turning her head away, she felt really stupid now.

His abilities made it possible for him to sense someone’s feelings and emotions, even if he couldn’t see them. He had to wear a blindfold all the time, but he could make a picture of her in his head. She on the other hand, was wearing something to cover up her mouth, making her unable to speak with him. But already for a while now, whenever they’d be alone, she’d break that barrier and talk. But Shiina on the other hand - he never took off his blindfold, not yet. He wanted to see her for the first time at a very special moment, which might be about to come.

“Just… stop thinking about it for at least a day. It’s not good for you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about it when everything I see reminds me of it…”

At that moment, an idea popped into his head. He had planned something already anyways, but this would get things off her mind even better and faster. He got even closer to her until he was standing right in front of her, taking her face in both of his hands. “Then how about you just close your eyes and listen to me for once?” he spoke softly, which made Nanami narrow her eyes. “It’s not that easy, Shiina…”
“Well, then you leave me no other choice.”

She tilted her head slightly in confusion, not sure about what he meant with that. But she soon would know, since now he was moving his hands behind the back of his head, undoing his blindfold. Nanami had a shocked look on her face as she grabbed his arms, stopping him from going any further. “Shiina, what are you doing?! You know you're not allowed to take your blindfold off!!” she told him, but he only sighed. “You're talking even though you're not allowed to. You've made me do this. Let me see you for once.” he said calmly, while he could feel her hands trembling on his arms. He could guess what she was thinking. What if she didn't meet his expectations? What if she wasn't pretty in his eyes? Silly girl. She was worrying so much. Little did she know that he loved her for who she is, and not what she looked like.

Removing her hands from his arms slowly, he finally took off his blindfold, slowly pulling it off his face. He had his eyes still closed, holding the black cloth tightly in his hands. As his eyes slowly fluttered open, both of them were looking surprised at each other.
Nanami was admiring his beautiful golden eyes, making a contrast to his purple hair, but it looked gorgeous. It made his eyes stand out more and he looked so good with it.
Shiina was scanning her whole body. He missed out on this delicate figure for so long. Such a beauty in his eyes, her white locks and her purple eyes, her curves perfectly matching her outfit. Soft ears at the side of her head and a fluffy tail added to it. She looked like an angel, so innocent, so pure. But what he planned to do to her was everything but innocent. And now seeing this? Made him even more excited. He was just standing there though, his mouth gaping wide open and staring at her. Even his tail began to wag a bit from side to side.

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