The one who holds the leash (NSFW)

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This one... oh god, this one. In this one I attempted to write my first good NSFW story. It turned out pretty well... but then I had no motivation anymore again.
This one's also with Xigbar, but this time with one of my KH ocs..

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Every moment he was close to her, he would scan her body. From head to toe, and back up. from her sweet, soft bum to her bounchy chest. His one single eye would wander over her curves, taking everything in, hungrily, looking at her like a predator who had been starving for days, and she's his next meal he's gonna bounce onto. And every time they would go on a mission together, he would drop so many hints, but they'd all go unnoticed by her. It seemed like she was... annoyed by him. He didn't want that. He thought that changing the nickname he gave her from 'Freckles' to 'Princess' would help, but no. All was still the same. He had to make a move, or someone else might snatch her away from him one day. Number Nine and especially Seven seemed to have eyes for the girl as well. No. They would not steal his prey. He had to strike first. But how? That was the question. He had an idea in mind, but it might not work too well. He knew that she believed they had hearts, and he knew the truth, but would she believe him, that he wasn't lying? He just had to try and see what was gonna happen. And this evening, it was time. The grey room was dark and empty. No one was around, they would be in their rooms or still on longer missions. That was when he's gonna strike.

The girl was sitting on one of the couches, simply reading a book like she always would. She liked to sit here more than in her room to read, it just seemed calmer to her, and when she would be needed, she was right there and ready. And the man watching her from the shadows knew that. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he approached, but it didn't work out, not at this time when the light cast this many shadows. It was her element after all, she had her eyes and ears within them, thus she spoke without even looking up. "Xigbar, what are you doing here? Usually you're in your room, shooting targets at the wall. Is there something important you want to discuss with me?" She flipped the page of her book oh so casually, and as he stepped further inside, he saw her full body, legs crossed, eyes glued to the book. How much he would love to see a flame within those beautiful green orbs...

"Well?" she spoke again as he didn't answer after a while, he would be standing next to her, staring her down with his one eye. She actually took the moment to look up at him, only to raise an eyebrow. "What happened to you? Normally, you ramble more than that." The male only turned his head away. "Tsk.. rambling? As if..." The female closed her book, putting it on the table in front of her. "Well then, what is it? Talk to me, I'm here to listen. You know I won't tell anyone else if you don't want me to tell anyone."

There she said it. He could tell her anything. Anything he desired. And she was right, he would never be so reserved, what had gotten into him? It was time to return to his old normal self. "Geez, you always have me so speechless, Princess. Must be your beauty." he said, a grin planted on his scarred face. She sighed, rolling her eyes. "There, back to your normal self." The girl stood up, taking the book from the table. "If that's all you wanted to say, then I'm gonna go now." She was about to leave. But the man wouldn't let her leave. He grabbed her wrist, pulling her back which made her drop the book she held. Jolting her backwards caused her to almost fall, but Xigbar caught her in his arms, making her blush furiously and in embarrassment. "X-Xigbar- what are you doing?!" The male only smirked, chuckling as he saw her cute, red face. "Oh, I'm not done with you yet. Not at all." Her eyes widened, especially as he started pushing her backwards, until she soon was standing with her back against the wall. Her hands rested against his shoulders in attempt to push him away, with no effort. A worried look came to her face. "Xigbar- what-" Immediately after she began, he put a gloved finger against her lips, shushing her. "Shh... don't speak. I'll do that for you."

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