First Encounter (League of Legends OC)

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This isn't really a story, but a script a friend of mine helped me with. He can make the voice of Kayn.... owo
Kimina is my League of Legends oc

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Kayn: [walking down a path in the woods, stops after hearing something in the bushes] Hm? Who’s there?

Rhaast: What’s this? … there is a stranger amongst us…

Kimina: [covering her mouth and hiding in the bushes]

Kayn: [walks up closer, then uses Rhaast to reach behind the bushes, holding the Blade up to her neck] found you…

Rhaast: What do we have heeeere?... a Vastayian. Are you lost, child?

Kimina: [turns around slowly to look at him, blushes in embarrassment and teleports behind him] W-well hello there, Shadow Reaper… Kayn..

Rhaast: interesting... “and yet I’m still ignored”

Kayn: Wh- what the- [confused at first, but then hears her behind him and swings Rhaast around to point at her neck again] You… Explain yourself. Who are you, and why are you spying on me? And most importantly… how do you know my name?

Kimina: [holding up her hands to surrender as she swallows nervously] u-uhm, I… I've been… watching you for a while now, gathering information about you and such…

Kayn: [his scythe grazing the skin of her neck] Yet you were spying on me, Vastaya. And so far you have given me no insight as to why.

Kimina: o-oh, r-right… [nervous] I'm… I'm very interested in you, Kayn. Or, let's say, your weapon.

Rhaast: oh?

Kayn: [A stern look, half intrigued but mostly irritated] if you think about touching it…

Kimina: n-no! I don't wanna take it!! I-I just… wanna know more about it… [taking a deep breath] You see… I'm very interested in the Darkin and their culture. How they got created, where they are from, how they work, everything. And… well… you seemed to be the best person to come to for this kind of stuff…!

Kayn: [lowering Rhaast slowly, but still ever paranoid] Oh?

Rhaast: go on…

Kimina: [sighs in relief] I've been trying my luck with Varus and Aatrox, but all I got from them was death threats and wounds all over my body… ugh, I don't wanna think about it.

Rhaast: [laughs] Such a naive girl, do you have a death wish?

Kimina: [glancing at Rhaast annoyed] certainly not…

Kayn: Rhaast, do not interrupt me. [Turns his attention to Kimina] so, that's why you’ve come to me… hm.. interesting… are you really that eager to grasp the knowledge of the Darkin? Do you think you will prove worthy?

Kimina: ...Yes. yes I am. Because I have always been interested in the Darkin… and now I finally have my chance to know more about them. I’m curious about you, and your weapon, Kayn.

Rhaast: curiosity killed the cat…

Kayn: Rhaast. [tightening his grip on the scythe]

Rhaast: well if you insist on feeding her useless demands, then so be it.
[muttering “such a foolish girl”]

Kayn: [to Kimina] Hm… a foolish girl indeed… but i’m amazed to see your determination.

Kimina: you seemed to be the most interesting out of all of them since the beginning, but I wanted to save up the best for last! [Smiling] and now that I think about it, probably also the safest...

Kayn: [his eye twitched from such a insulting response, “Me Safe?!... she is foolish indeed”] what..?

Kimina: you really are stunning. You're in the middle, living on the edge of taking over or being taken over by the Darkin. Yet you can keep your normal self up that easily… and that, is truly impressive.

Kayn: Hm… that's a first…

Rhaast: it will be his last. [he chuckles]

Kimina: What do you mean? [tilting head]

Kayn: Well for someone to be.. interested in me and my motives…

Kimina: [smiling at him] Well! I’m glad to call myself the first!

Kayn: Don’t get yourself too excited. What is your name anyways, Vastaya?

Kimina: My name? oh… call me Kimina. Or… whatever you want. My sister used to call me Kimi.

Kayn: your sister..?

Rhaast: double the stupid…

Kayn: Silence you… [back to Kimina]

Kimina: That’s another story. But… can I ask you something?

Kayn: depends, what is it?

Kimina: May I stick around..? [giving him kind of puppy eyes]

Kayn: [getting flustered as he looks at her and turns his head away] f-fine… just as long as you don’t get in my way nor get on my nerves.

Kimina: [smiling widely] mhm! I promise I won’t! [coming closer and whispering] after all, I’m a Ninja, we’re the best at staying quiet and unnoticed.

Kayn: hm, if you insist… [starts walking down his path again]

Rhaast: oh, what’s that feeling that pulses within you, Kayn? Are you getting weak? For her? I’m surprised to see you in this state. Accepting someone so easily as a “friend”. You know what happened to your last “friend” that tried to get between you and my power... Keep going like this, and you will succumb ...

Kayn: Didn’t I tell you to shut your mouth? You ignorant tool.

Rhaast: [chuckles] of course…such a grand display of events that are unfolding… what a joke.

Kimina: hey Kayn?

Kayn: [sighs] what is it now, Kimina?

Kimina: Thank you.

Kayn:’re welcome. [rolling his eyes]

Kimina: I think we’re gonna be good friends…

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